this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Map filename must match channel name.

remove spoiler thing



"tele map" by Agusha [solo]


check rules and play more maps

Your map submission has been declined.

im bad at mapping so im not a reliable source

https://ddnet.org/rules/ here are the map rules (scroll down for solo) and read the top part too

you can ask for help in
#mappingchannel btw

sorry teleports that are not marked with a label are teleports for secrets

i dont think you need that many secrets in a solo map

not that many secrets for afk

and where there are no blocks, I forgot to put them.

Can you speak Russian?


слава богу

переводчик не нада использавать

for russian

иногда я забываю просто об ошибках которые я забыл испраить простите

если я все ошибки исправлю карта будет работать?

это не все ошибки конечно но в след. раз кидай карту в
#mappingи проси там помощи. когда карта достаточна хороша можешь заново её постить

You guys can go to dms as well. :)

окей спасибо

The map is already declined so whats the point? Would be faster to explain whats wrong in their native language

This rule was made for easier moderation, whats there to moderate in a declined map

this channel is still a part of this server, there will be a testlog later on with this chat so we should keep it in english and please, stop trying to find loopholes in servers rules

Imo its just common sense. If you strictly follow the rules you cant talk about anything but teeworlds outside of
I would have argued that this rule need updating to include map channels and maybe even mapping, but it would make the rule unnessecarily long

Of course it would make it easier for mapper, but most testers wouldn't understand a thing of testing like that and couldn't help as well, if you have really poor english or don't want to use translator it might be hard, but it's made like that for everyone to take a part in testing, not just for the ones who can speak this specific language. If you wish to speak with a mapper on a specific language other than english - no one restricts you from doing that, use
#off-topicor DM them.

I cant argue that dming would solve the issue, but the problem is no one is going to actually do it In this maps case I can see that the guy interpreted the feedback as "I can fix some stuff and my map would be good to go" and would probably waste their time sticking with the map Idk about others but for me a dm = being ready for a potentially long convo, so it wouldve been much easier to just say "look at newer maps" in this channel + other ru mappers can understand the decline reason better from logs

Im talking about post decline state here, so the actual testing is not interrupted in this case

this conversation is off topic ._.

здраствуйте вы мне говорили если я исправлю ошибки то тогда кидать карту в
#mappingу меня есть вопрос кидать видео с прохождением карты или файл карты

файл карты можешь кинуть и спросить если она хороша

окей спасибо

а можно постить карту а то просто не кто не смотрит мою карту


"tele map" by Agusha [solo]

Никто не смотрит потому что большинство спят или в школе


- map structure is very bad. Making transitions between parts out of teleporters is a very bad idea you need to avoid it. 2 ur map have spacing problems , its too tight( $decline (