"Alaska" by Crytek [Oldschool]
DDNet 07/07/2019 4:18 PM
270.16 KB
DDNet 07/07/2019 4:18 PM
jao 07/08/2019 5:35 PM
270.59 KB
eNJi 07/08/2019 6:10 PM

wanna do test runs?

jao 07/08/2019 6:11 PM


jao 07/08/2019 6:11 PM


eNJi 07/08/2019 6:15 PM

I’ll be at home in 20mins

eNJi 07/08/2019 6:15 PM
archimede67 07/08/2019 6:47 PM

entities bug

archimede67 07/08/2019 6:47 PM
jao 07/08/2019 6:50 PM

where is it?

archimede67 07/08/2019 6:58 PM

at the beginning

archimede67 07/08/2019 6:58 PM

first part

jao 07/08/2019 6:58 PM

I mean what's the bug on your screen

archimede67 07/08/2019 7:01 PM
jao 07/08/2019 7:02 PM

it doesn't make a difference whether there is freeze in tele or not, so not really a bug

archimede67 07/08/2019 7:03 PM

so needs to be consistent

jao 07/08/2019 7:05 PM


archimede67 07/08/2019 7:08 PM

it looks ugly? xd

jao 07/08/2019 7:09 PM

that's just you 😛

archimede67 07/08/2019 7:11 PM
jao 07/08/2019 10:33 PM
270.58 KB
jao 07/08/2019 10:48 PM
246.49 KB
jao 07/08/2019 10:51 PM

$ready 2

Ravie 07/10/2019 3:15 PM

Why is this getting released before Yun Gu, Lumine and Aled II?

skua 07/10/2019 3:49 PM

It was waiting for rls for years xd

jao 07/10/2019 4:00 PM

today is a bad release slot and all of the 3 you mentioned deserve more attention than this one

Jesus Christ 07/10/2019 4:02 PM


jao 07/10/2019 6:13 PM


enemy of all 07/10/2019 6:17 PM


jao 07/10/2019 6:17 PM

this is an oldschool map^^

bxlxr 07/24/2019 4:12 PM
