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again 2days rls


die map hat kein drip

Did a quick playthrough. Last 2 parts are broken and I don't trust the kill below tele, other than that gameplay looks fine to me. Didn't look for design/entity bugs.

Well gameplay you have to balance some things you got so nice parts and then there are Parts that destroyed the map:/

are they still cheatable or do you mean the ugly anticheat

u can just go under here idk if its intended

everything that is not important for gameplay should be hd

maybe post a little demo about ur 'cheat' ?

is that not the way?

its the normal way
lul wtf

I guess you could tower and then dj and do a throwy move but why

but u have to wait 3 sec
@Raviewhy would u do this

but why

thought it was this

speedrun way

that looks like a terrible part that corneum wouldn't make

best part

left is more

right also more

thats all i found nice map ^^

thanks for testing^^

U mean the corner

Yep, sorry for not pointing out


So it's meant to be like that?


yeah i dont have a better tileset

a little unbalanced imo

rest is good

could u move no-collision down or does it not work

@louiscould u move no-collision down or does it not work
what do you mean

idk like put it somewhere here maybe

what type of monster puts alpha on the unhooks

i think that woul d make it look like a more complicated part

ok its fine

i just dont like failing cus dummy is between me and the hookables lmao

alpha on unhooks is on nostalgia for example

this looks a little weird if u didnt have alpha u could fix it but its not too important

louis is testing

map is basically ready but ill leave some small suggestions

theres a gap here u can fix if u want

if u just put unhook on the desert_main where the hookthru hits

basic_freeze kinda looks ugly on top of 0.6 transparent

i think this edited one probably looks better if u want to try it (some graphics nobo probably has a better version)

rock in unhook

same in other places lol

intended ofc

unrelated but i was a huge idiot i dragged dummy through the last 3 parts

idk if u want this fail or not but u can just save with sg

hammer unneeded

unless shotgun is intended


not fixed

u should have said its only for hd off. i couldnt find a bug before

I don't know it's HD off only


u only play on hd off?

I test with quads and hd off

bugs are more visible then

fair enough

ok so i fixed that and some of the things louis said.

also the first basic freeze is a quad layer? Can probably be removed

Ah i see the use for the second lava layer XD Do keep it

Map is tons of fun and a nice length imo 🙂

thx for testing. so the weapon tele are a anti cheat measure. i only found out its cheatable late so thats why i used such a ugly anticheat. i dont want to design it more so it doesnt destroy the look and it might even put players off as to what to do at this part. at the spot where you get shotgun i made a shadow on the ceiling so they can try out for themselves what it does.


looks wack when cave ends in the middle of finish

put the wep-tele tile on some unhook tiles

cus rn u can easily not pay attetnion

maybe even a "!" imo

and also for some reason when i shoot it, it still looks like it bounces back

maybe thats smth to do with the wep tele only being on the block, try putting another layer?

u can skip this from below

bruh still double rocks


otherwise all good nice map

i am okay with everything i didnt fix )))

$ready 3