"trap you 1" by spiritdote [Novice]
DDNet 04/16/2022 8:57 AM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

DDNet 04/16/2022 8:57 AM
Astral|Crying🌙 04/16/2022 9:25 AM


Cøke 04/16/2022 9:26 AM

its the testing section, stop posting sensless stuff

Cøke 04/16/2022 9:27 AM

i have been observing for some time that u are not helping anyone with your pointless comments

Astral|Crying🌙 04/16/2022 9:30 AM

chill bro im help

Cøke 04/16/2022 9:32 AM

no you have never helped anyone

Cøke 04/16/2022 9:32 AM

they are just troll comments (most of which i have already deleted)

FightFire 04/16/2022 9:41 AM

overall looks like oldschool

FightFire 04/16/2022 9:43 AM

half of parts are the basic drag, and a little gores parts?

FightFire 04/16/2022 10:00 AM

personally, I think most of parts in this map are not very creative, they have been used in many other maps before. and some of gametile like speedup is not reflected in design

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:35 PM

First of all hi, second seems its your first map and at least you did some things good but you seriously should read the rules for mapping https://ddnet.tw/rules the list will guide you to not make the commons mistakes, problems with the content and design, pls check it.

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:35 PM

ill make some examples for you

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:37 PM

.-The noobfilters must not be that long and not too hard

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:42 PM

.- Make sure that everything its marked as it is with his own design and unique colour, which can be distinguishable for every layer/tile. In this section the freeze isn't marked at all, or i should said its not marked as supposed to be (i think), also check entities every time to not make the mistake that you see in the picture [about the teles]

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:43 PM

.- Dont make repetitive/boring and long stuffs, as this one (and many others on the map)

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:46 PM

.- This types of drags are not longer welcome in ddnet, unless is creative, not that monotonous

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:48 PM

.- Gores at least for novice maps, shouldnt be long and hard

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:49 PM

i just wanted to "xD" this

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:49 PM

and dont do that

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:50 PM

.- This info signs should be used when its really necessary to warn the player to turn of entities

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:55 PM

.- You should portray the info of the entities as best as you can, this means something clear, with the right info sign and not scandalous things (just to be clear, im not saying this is scandalous is for the explanation)

Arrow 04/16/2022 5:59 PM

.- This will resume what you have to do next time you do a map. bear in mind b4 subbmit Test your maps finding other ways to do parts and also check new maps in his respective server (novice/moderates....etc) that will gives you an idea of what to do or better what the staff is looking for

louis 04/16/2022 6:02 PM

i agree with above ^

louis 04/16/2022 6:02 PM

thanks arrow

louis 04/16/2022 6:02 PM

and good luck on your future maps spiritdote, try looking at recently released maps to get ideas or inspiration and feel free to ask any questions in

louis 04/16/2022 6:02 PM


Knuski 04/16/2022 6:08 PM

thx for doing our work

Arrow 04/16/2022 6:20 PM
cheeser0613 04/16/2022 6:46 PM

you tag-ed the wrong person

cheeser0613 04/16/2022 6:46 PM


Arrow 04/16/2022 6:47 PM


cheeser0613 04/16/2022 6:51 PM

also he submited multiple map already and get declined

cheeser0613 04/16/2022 6:52 PM

ill suggest to play more and observe more modern map

Ninecloud 04/17/2022 6:22 AM

Im helping another mapper to submit

Ninecloud 04/17/2022 6:23 AM

Because he cant login discord

Ninecloud 04/17/2022 6:23 AM

so idk what happend in the map