-Some bug/cut fix + add tiles for design + 2 groups deleted

you can spawn unsolo and start is never gonna work on a full server

you need to surround spawns with solo tiles

I 'll rework spawn but why the start 'll never work ?

The tower is 100% working cause of kills and 1 tile unsolo

If you got no speed you don't touch unsolo and if you dj to early you touch kill

You can try 1000 times if you want it's work

After the problem is maybe afk who 'll block

And if you speak about that i agree with you

block in general

Okay so I'll search another original noobfilter

Where are maps again oh my god aaaarrrrghhhhh

Yea you are right i need to deplace it haha

I don't understand, the quality is low ? How can i get a better one, I used photoshop.

Then it's on mapping editor like you said but i don't know anything about it

at least use native aspect ratio of image

try to*

Okay i'll fix it tomorow thanks

- Am I a noob (YES!)... Ok, I did not find the right way of passing noob-filter

Right he is more tricky than hard

extremly random

I guess i need to rework it

Humm about what ?

noob filter is not about "Don't let people play my map!"

If you jump and dj like i say it's quite simple

but more to stop very-very noobs from playing with you in team 0

Haha you are right, it's more a solo part than a noob filter

anyway I highly recommend you make something else for the noob-filter. I understand that you tried to be creative with it, but it seems to be random, too tricky, and, as jao mentioned, annoying in team 0

Okay thanks for your opinion, I'll change it. The problem is that I don' have so much place, it would be hard

But I understand what is wrong with it Players 'll be frustated with that noobfilter

Oh, I see the whole map playstyle now

I don't like such maps. Just saying, nothing wrong

I guess some people like "one-try" maps, as I call them 🤔

Yea you speak about faily things, I understand it can be really annoying to restart the map for one hook fail but it' for that the map is short

there is nothing wrong about it

its just my personal, letting you know

Okay, it's normal to have some opinion haha

not fully I mean, ofc xD

Ahh right i forgot it !

Yeaa xD

It's already transparent no ?


Okay then I'll make it more transparent

seems to be the most annoying part

Hmmm... 🤔

Im trying to think 2 ways right now

- Playing with team of two

- Playing in team 0

So it might be not so faily in team 0

I can explain you it's easier than you can hope

edge and hook I guess

Yea it's more a t0 map but i guess speedrunners 'll apreciate lot of "cut"

Yea right but it's only faily at edge and for a brutal 4 ⭐ I hope an edge isn't too hard

But you can feel it bad, I can understand the part is a bit weird

no no

Im saying nothing 😃

I wanted a edge part like it but with original gameplay

but tell me why do you even need this part of map?

Humm on t2 if the play fall on the freeze it's not a fail


The hooker can be blocked up

you wanted one guy to hook the other to the platform

I see it

Yea :)

you dont have to take every words he saying*, mostly he saying only useless things

Yes, it is

Im just looking on map

Haha, He told me good things about details ^^

Not bug reporting or smth

Not even playing it right now

Im eating xD


It's cool to know feeling of players

yes, I thought you might be interested in my first impression of map as player

It's the most important thing, i know it, I create a lot of weird part. I find a lot of original way but i'm gay as fuck haha


I'm feel good to heard that :)


easy skip*

Ah nice, i could let it but it's really easy

- Logo fixed with aspect ratio ( i find it less good now ) and place it more down

- Hooktrought more transparent and randomize it

- Cut fixed ( kill tile added)

Thanks to Evgesha

Should consider to change the spawn so you actually see the logo if you care about it lol, horrible t0 start, feels like there is so much space unused and gets boring over time playing it

Okay i would change it. What do you means when you say unused space ?

everything is too big

Haha it's maybe because i'm affraid to make it too tiny, i 'll try to check it thanks

What is wrong with spawn ? Too simple ?

And if you can tell me what bored you, it can be fine 😃

Did you play or you just take a look at the map ?

- New version test for Brokecdx, less unesed space

Tell me if you prefer this version and I'll fix more if another players/ testers agree with you 😃

I'm right now trying to find a good noobfilter

-noobfilter and spawn rework (Thanks to Jao and Brockecdx-)

Because of t0 map ?

Way too difficult ?

its easy map but not very well thought through, too big mapped never knowing where to go, and parts wise it's not creative enough for me hence declined; filter is unenjoyable with that spawn; unnecessary kill tiles just to fix a skip should be fixed another way whatsoever; first part wont work out in team 0; This is just not creative enough, take a look on T0 maps that are played daily and figure out what your map doesnt bring to the table; btw 2 unused layers + lower logo size unnecessary big

Not creative only because it's only unhook hook freeze ? I can udnerstand that you are bored by this style of map but can i have some proofs ? there are basics hh and hf like in all t0 maps but could you show me another uncreative parts ?

I understand that you don't like the map but i would know why you have this feeling

filter unenjoyable ? Can you tell me what is wrong with ? Kill tiles are fix for skip, i didn't find another fix can you tell me what do you find ?

Unused layers are for design but i didn't starting yet because you all act like my map 'll never rls so i don't want add more time for useless thing, i try to make the map better with you. Design isn't so important for now

I 'll decrease the logo as you said thanks

You can easily fix towers with at least 2 tiles of freeze instead of kill tiles; spawns on the wrong side; Everything is boring because it's too basic; first screen cool idea but too blocky in t0

nop someone can come from down and hook him

but i know how ifc it now

What you means by the wrong side ?

All map can't have 100% crazy move

But you don't like this type of map, it's okay but the community like it ( I guess)

What is the most important ?

That players from ddnet enjoy the map

You are from community so your opinon is a proof but you can't say too basic if you don't like this type of map :3

Ideas and cool content doesnt matter if it feels weird or unfun to play this map

Fun is the only criterion that really matters imo

Yea you are right but I agree with Brocke, it's not fun to play always at "same" maps

Then a tester can't know if it's fun to play on t0 if he test it alone or with a mate

Its easy to imagine parts in team0

Yeaa but you dont have same feeling when you test a map where you need rl check all bugs as a players who plau for fun with friends

You see what i means ?

noobfilter is okay for you ?

I don't think this map is particularly good

some parts won't work well in t0 (e.g. first one), others are too hard (e.g. the ones where you have to hook your mate in unfreeze) and the rest is either basic, while not being good at that, or rather are 2p parts than t0 ones

it's also quite short in general

if you compare this to popular t0 maps you should notice some differences in how they are structured and how the parts are supposed to work

and that's what makes those maps so popular: they have easy first parts that get people going and then some interesting parts in between to keep people entertained

these parts shouldn't be super crazy but have a few twists to them and not be too punishing

you might have had some good ideas, but overall it's not well thought through, seems like parts aren't polished and just randomly attached to another

I don't think it makes sense to try improving this one, better start a new map and try to apply the feedback



Thanks for feedback, I really want to make a map based on this style. I'll try to apply your advice