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bomf map


how would this work in keeping speed?

Bomf map 2

I really like the mechanic of fast grenade tp, but imo its bad executed. There is such a big opportunity of doing cool parts but its mostly uncreative here and super short. You don't even need to keep speed in most part. And the design blinded my eyes tbh 😄

Originally it was but I decided to change it to make it slightly more difficult

I cannot excuse myself for the gameplay of it, as it is the first thing I’ve gone through with finishing, it will not always be perfect. I do apologise for the design however I’ve never done it before so it’s not great.

Can be fixed by more blockers I believe, I will try this

Can be changed if necessary

- fixxed skip at start to skip tp 18
- fixxed skip at the end of tele 1 it is now alot harder to hit this shot
- fixxed the height of wall on tp 3 so is now harder to skip doing the part as intended
- fixxed the blockers that were upsidown
- made the map a solo map

- fixxed tp 14 so speed is now conserved
- minor optimisations

current objectives:
fix tp 10 so you cannot die make tp 4 more interesting

make design darker also

i feel like last part (where you need to make speed to pass speeders) is a little too random

how so

how so 1st or 2nd

first ik how so

may need 1 block more


how so

i had to go up 5 times to pass thru em

minding that i did everything right

ah strange

i usually get it 1st / 2nd try

maybe make first line of speeders less force

like 15 mb


like 20 instead

need testing

or 15 yea

u r online rn?


the cyan blocks are not used no

i can remake this tileset then if you want

in term of optimiztion

go for it i do not mind

i use both in map

deleted useless tiles, made logo white

tiles are all in same place?




i moved your tee little left

i think its not bad

ah ok thats ez fix

so i may just /replace?

you can probably

ok i will try this

i checked also how mych is this images all and every image is like 150-170 kb (and they are 4)

so it will be good to replace with this one

i have to


ok ive done it

it all worked

so now i must redo all entities on one layer?

ig so


i will do at some point haha

and get rid of other images


similiar to this

refer to itoms message

ah i see

it's not fixable by more stoppers tho

how fix u think

just put solid blocks to the top

ah yes

i didnt think of taht

gameplay doesnt look that bad but the design is burnt my eyes out

the structure of the map is awful tough

quite inconsistant aswell

a lot of simple cheats exist on the map where you dont need any speed to go to the next part

also tele 5 and tele 11 is 80% of the whole map while there are 3 other parts

please don't call that cheats (some players/mappers might rly think that this are actual cheats that are bad) The goal of this map (and most of the maps) is to finish it as you want and "speed-finishing" is for those who want top5 ^^

maybe the mapper didnt want it that way tough

Ideally this shouldn’t be possible to do however like tsin is saying it will take longer for them to come to a complete stop to execute this method instead

Originally I had it like this I just didnt change it back not sure why

Good idea I’ll do this

The design needs work for sure I’m not well versed enough to do it right first try but I will be working to fix it ^^

- fixed tp 10 you shouldn't be able to die here now
- made the first skip slightly more annoying to do without ruining flow of map -changed the gun tele to blocks -changed some deco in some parts
- made the ending feel less "weird" so simple can do it first try -added shield section and added where to get the rocekts back etc -made the spawn area look a bit better because the bottom was not symetrical

- still need to improve design and improve optimisation ^^

(first and second parts)

Where would you recommend second part?

Tele 8?

makes sense that is where i used to have it lol

90% of the map still one part idea?

remove the 2 from the name cuz there isnt a bomf map 1 released


do you think this would be an improvement of some kind

and then do similar thing add complexity to other parts - not exactly like this of course


ok i will get to work :D

name of file is what it is, there are some cuts to ensure most new version of map is new so sorry for any confusion!

i think that with this change the flow of part 5 is much improved and the same with 4

i think part 15 could use some work also it is quite repatative here

i like how even you play in entities at this map

i play entity all map ^^

upload for testing :D


Me and simple are going to start completely reworking the design of the map ^^ if u would like to decile this one now we will resubmit when it is finished! :D
