this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


i like

fixed some design problems like broken smile

and again

replaced time cp

removed first time cp

removed 8th time cp

I think you can just remove time cp1.

i do

Ah yes. 👍

I like this map

U can also do this swing wich I missed

this can be 24

maybe 23

do better background

small fixes (do hookable from unhookable some tiles)

i cant thell what is a hookable and what is an unhookable in the design, they look the same

make them different


do unhookable texture

fixed unhookable tile

where testers

don't be this demanding

^ Found one!

some people wait literal years to get a map ready (or to get it declined


Gameplay: map is way to short, parts are basic, some part handling is lame (watch screenshots 1-2) you use those bullets for just one part and speeders are completely unnecessary. In general i'd just say it lacks content for most of the map (watch screenshots 3-4). Though, it could turn out as a good speedrunning map with some fixes so i want to see more tester opinions. Design: it's way to bright, kinda painful to your eyes to play with design on xd. In some places freeze is barely visible and can be mixed up with background. If you zoom out a little bit you see structure ending (mostly upper map part). There are some design errors you might see by just running around or spectating map.

no honest answers here

short map is all grenade maps with name run... where i can use this bullets more? speedup okay, i remove it okay, i update parts from 3rd and 4th screenshots

mapped too tight, gameplay is not interesting enough + repetiting the teleport choise is not allowed (yes or no) the kill tile is marked with the same design as freeze. the speeders are not marked

Your map submission has been declined.

speeders like invisible for some harding

it is solo map

why it too tight

why is not interesting if it again solo map

and map for speed walktrough

and there is no repetiting parts


why some testers dont see map category

kill tile for 1 moment? serious?

you can ask ddrock to release your map, they like this type of maps
