this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

We don't accept short races, if you want to you might try contacting unique servers with that map.

we don't release short race maps, talk to unique instead. in addition to that this map lacks some content and is not really creative so it doesn't meet the current standards. check out popular maps or recent releases (race or maybe solo) to get an idea about what's fun and what we expect for maps.

Your map submission has been declined.

Fuck, bro is faster

ctrl c ctrl v

Oh no

It's not what u think

should i make a little bigger map?

should i make a little bigger map?

Besides the fact that it's short it also lacks unique gameplay, if you want to get an idea of what gameplay for race maps is acceptable take a look at recently released race or even solo maps


how is the gameplay? kind of unique?


Map filename must match channel name.

Can't check rn, but i can say that it's not better because the map have too much problem and "fix" in 5 min is not possible + a real fiw here is a full rework or a new map


look on maps like run_antibuguse or run_world_war_zero thats have nice size for ddnet i guess

Not the best maps to compare xd

best ddnet race maps i guess


just read messages above