this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


ah é

eu concerto ou tu


tomorrow i fix it

i cant now

pls testers do not decline

tomorrow fix, or any of my friends fix it

Dont decline testers, we will fix that tomorrow really quick

the main problem is the whole part is like DDmaX. the parts are not creative/boring/not interesting. I think you guys need to see recently released novice maps.


Tomorrow we fix this


I cant fix that now

Im on my bed


if you wanna release this map you have to do big rework...


Tomorrow i need to made a hard work for fix all

With my mates

there are too many problems to fix, so I just decline this map, as I say the whole part is boring and not creative. you can just submit it at the
#📬submit-mapschannels if you think the map is okay.


was the map started fresh with an empty map? did you append any other maps? did you only use the standard editor or also some other tools? I'm trying to figure out where that error comes from


It is no longer useful to talk about the map if it is already declined
its about tracking down bugs for me, not about the map itself. good luck on your next map though!


nah im never mapping again

bye bye

don't give up so easily

Never give up . I had declined a lot of maps . Yet i still made maps . It took me years to release 1st map .


nuh uh im a blocker not a mapper



years? :(

well i give up

also cringe

big perseverance