this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

no more rq



Was it ready before xd ?

yes but i ragequited

how many stars was this? since it was ready, we can ready it again i guess (well another check wont hurt)

I guess, since Inure is 3, this has to be 4-5\

was rated 4

Yeah i realised, that we should still reevaluate if this should be 4


will remove logo, i like moon as it is rn. last screen idk :x

i dont think thats a problem xD

You could put some teleporters at the beginning so even if you hammerthrow somebody in, they wont be fail

- removed logo

i dont think this will help anyways but okay xD

you guys are doing all novice too ez rn

its more fun when you can fail


we have to much hard novice maps

But they're old and points for them doesn't have a good cost

Better to complete inure 3 stars than any other normal 3 star map

Free points

i tried to balance inure, but the mapper didn't want to change it, so now it's in this weird spot xD well w/e i don't think that some free maps will hurt, if you are at a high moderate skill level, there are alot of free points (like all dummy 1 and solo 1 and 2*) and ofcourse all the novice and easier moderate maps

honestly idk why now every novice have to be braindead unfaily for novice players xD when you finish a map with a potential to fail, you feel way better to finish it than a map where all you do is fall on tele no brain needed. How they are supposed to learn about faily spots if now all act like novice maps should be unfaily. Making a part unfaily is just making it less challeangeable, because all you will do is just hammer hook hammer in my point of view, and i hate that xD

Because we do not have many beginner maps, teeworlds is a very beginner unfriendly game. With such simple maps that anyone can finish, you can make the game more appealing for beginners. If you are better, no problem, we have enough maps where you need more skill

I think it doesn't hurt to have simple maps anymore, teeworlds never had so much growth as with the steam update

You can see on perma novice how many beginner maps we really have (131 novice maps total)

From what i know many old novice maps are annoying to play for beginners, so i would prefer to have some new good maps for them

But when a mapper isn’t interested in mapping this and he maps something harder where u can fail than u can’t teach him how to make it unfaily and playable for beginners when he don’t wanna do something like that^^
When he want his map faily then let him map it^^

Then he cries about The map being rated 5star novice saying all The Stuff is easy and other maps are rated lower

Pretty much what you did

idk what is fun about being deepfreeze in a solopart, because your mate didnt understand the tile

thats how we learn

when we fail we learn the most

And I didnt say anything like all ez novice are bad I meant that you want to have almost every novice unfaily

i learn a mechanic with repetitions, not with being forced to play the whole map again

imo its not best way how to learn

I mean for beginners

If you fall into freeze and reset you will be more careful next time you get to it

but you can fail a teammate xD

it's perma death

also trolls can abuse it

@AmaThen he cries about The map being rated 5star novice saying all The Stuff is easy and other maps are rated lower
that was another map called Lunar which inst related to this 😃 and i admit that lunar was too hard and thats why i dint resubmitted it.

i was talking to savalic
@wsike >.<
oh sorry then, my bad

i didnt cried about the rating of inure lul

i just said that i think its not 3 - in my opinion its 2 or less but thats not the channel to discuss another map 🙂

i didnt cry i just cried about 3 or less then 2

ur talking shit xd


Mappers make easy maps for them to farm points

decent gameplay

if i put unfreeze it doenst work as intended xD dont want to move wall because i feel okay with that skip

i always see people landing on edge there freezed,, whats the intended way?

but otherwise map looks good tps are a bit strange but i think its ok


remove hammer hits?

its a basic element lmfao

I testet with total beginner and he would never finish map with those elements

we need to practice

dont make of the game a trash

but this map inst for complete beginner, lets remove all hammerthrow parts from every novice map xD

i always see people landing on edge there freezed,, whats the intended way? i can put a arrow on edge, but if i put unfreeze then the wall here doenst make sense since they just can hold jump to do this part xD

I would make this part easier: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/755847997316661368/757262392433574028/screenshot_2020-09-20_17-08-52.png
Otherwise it's $ready 4 for me 🙂

It was 4* back then, if im not wrong. So i'm fine with this map rating, thanks.

@Deleted User Wrong channel


ty xd

To tele cp 14 is used in two different locations on this map

idk if this map is still novice, maybe you should nerf the parts qywinc mentioned

I still don't see whats the problem with hammer throw considering its a basic part, even one of newest maps " Sunny Glide Up" has such a part. This are a basic part which i don't feel changing it. If it turns to be a moderate map feel free to decline it.

Thing about solo,

idk what is fun about being deepfreeze in a solopart, because your mate didnt understand the tile

you might miss deepfreeze and fail because of that (i guess it can happen with beginners, since they might not understand deepfreeze)

Oh wait, i missread solo on

Im sorry

The hammerthrow in sunny side up is not that high (so it probably works without a hammer). Right now you are fail if you go with deep into the solopart, because there is no unsolo on to tele cp 13 xD maybe just return it to the old part (without tp xD)

If i put unsolo on to tele 13 will it fix it?


Ok, thanks

sorry for this confusion about a minor thing xd

Lol, no need for sorry here xD

Will try to find a fix for high hammerthrow

i mentioned that already 😛

Im aware, cant fix yet

okay but I haven't seen any changes since 17.9

I'm at hostel and don't have acces to pc :/ when I come home I'm filled with jobs, which limits my time

should i set this on waiting?
@wsike >.<
Yes, thanks


fixed things above

about direct way, i made it like that since i was dumb. And put teles instead to make way faster

if its not okay ill try to replace with a part here

i can, but wont it annoy a bit players?

i guess they wont stack up there

they might block on the hook on the bottom left

Well idk, i don't really feel comfortable of changing it

It's way better without this solo spam

ok then, removed

First one you have to hook to get up

Others ok

I mean that the part is annoying, because the hook is close and the time to go up is long. So you don't have many trys to do the swing (per minute).

made last part instead of ht full hookable, made the room smaller as mentioned before

decided to not change first two screen since im fine with em

I put it here to avoid stupid fail



just mark it

its rdy after that
@wsike >.<
noobs play without entities, they dont know what happen there

I can do that tmrw late, since i'm coming home for some days


$ready 4