this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

a playtrough would be appreciated


and that is why i put it there

i dont consider this map as race imo should be solo instead due the parts are not one that you can "run" without interruptions idk if i explain myself

really cool map btw

$change server solo

But 1hook is also on race?

i also think this map fits the requirements of race, 1hook is an example, that can be a race map so this can be a race map too

map feels like starkiller made it


Since 1hook is also on race, this should also be imo.

$change server race

changed cp9

fixed a skip

added time checkpoints

Wasn't able to play whole map since I am not that good solo player, but i found this little skip at the beginning.

I am not saying that it is wrong that the rocket thing is incorrect since you teleport on it and get it immediatly, but it might be questionable for example if player doesnt have (auto pick up weapon) setting on


airnade ultra ?

should be race too


should i remake the part9? i need more luck than skill to go through xd.

i did

added time checkpoint for the new part

added special thanks


since there was already had one on the totele12

maybe some players that play with entities don't know it's end

512*256 should be more than enough

try 256*128 or 64 then if it's blurry, double the size

Any race players could give their opinion on the map ? The feeling, the flow, the difficulty, if there is anything to change or improve ? If it's worth a release ?


what about this


sorry, i misunderstood u. what about this then?

I know nothing of race, what's the rating ? According to you and others especially because you might be biased as it's your map

it's 5stars

and u can watch the demo, the shields are for avoiding skip

Can you show me the skip ?

idk how but i guess it can


I don't see how it's cheatable, there aren't walls or anything to rocket

so i can remove them?

Sure and the rockets

on both parts

im a perfectionist so i cannot allow any skip. but i like the big skip at the final part of 1hook xd

The question is, is it cheatable ?

I don't see how shields are preventing anything

alright i remove it temporarily and add it back if it is cheatable.


please remove this from race category

and move it to solo

I can do that, is there a reason ? 😮



A lot of people disagreed with my by changing to solo so it was kept as a race

just because the only weapon is nade =/= race map, this map is like a baby version of airnade ultra, there is 0 flow, highly debatable which category part nade maps go into but it feels so much more for solo category imo

The category can always be changed


1hook shouldnt be on race aswell, but tbh i dont really care if players want to get 10 precious points for completing a hard race map

What difficulty should it be ?

im fine with whatever

5 stars for sure but this map is jsut so boring just like all airnade maps , its just so monotone retrying the same part 100x times until you find the perfect shot

one of starkillers previous "race" map similar to 1hook got declined aswell

same style

i checked it was run_forfreezy

Still waiting for that version

He should be busy in school these days, and it may take a month to update

I`m his friend btw

Oh ok

Would he want me to do it for him ?

Let me ask him and I'll get back to you later

Ok sure thanks 🙂

So what does he think ?

He hasn't answered me yet

He probably doesn't have a phone or a pc nearby


What about run antibuguse ?

I'm still trying to define if it should either be race or solo

I think it belongs to the race category to be consistent with the other rocket maps

antibuguse feels more like a race map even though it doesnt look like it, you work towards getting nade with "gores 😂", i mean you cant really make an opinion about it because its so old map. part race maps lacks connection between the parts, i would say this map is an actual race map if it would have like filler sections between the actual parts

👍 Thanks for helping

its so baaad to place a map in the category because previously other maps went into that category "wrongly" (imo)

Yeah, I'm not a race player and I was trying to be coherent with "similar" maps

But you have a far better opinion on the matter than me

I agree, due to the lack of flow in the map and just straight up parts, it feels like it would be a better fit as a solo map. Its not a good race map if there isn't good flow

Should I ask for "1hook" to be moved to the solo category then ?

"1hook" is being moved to solo

So it stays consistent

i need to test the part

i dont have time now

Alright, I'll wait for your feedback then ! 🙂

differentiating between race/solo in terms of gameplay and design seems awfully prescriptive to me. Like, there exist countless race maps which don't have flow or anything but were/are intended, mapped and understood as race maps. Defining race maps as maps which do not rely on ddrace entities, but rather solely on race entities makes much more sense to me and would be more descriptive.

Tell MTJ to make it "less perfect"

ok i will do that

he hasn't answered the first question yet btw

MTJ hasn't given me any reply yet, but I personally think he will follow tester's ideas.

If we wait for his reply, I think it will be next year.



i back

i do not care which category it will be(actually if it is solo, i will get more points for finishing it)

just do what u want if im not here, i can only come back once a month.


And remove the shields

u mean make it more cheatable?

waiting to be tested by pros

Several great race/rocket players have tested the map and they all said pixel perfect is not so good

Also, what do you mean by cheatable

i agree

the changes i made to this map make it possible for players to cheat, but the probability is really low.

Show me a cheat

ok i try to find the demo

sorry the skip was found by me friend, and only he has the demo. i cannot contact him now

btw u have not moved run_birming to solo


i got it
I didn't move it because I'm not aware of its existence

What do you think of it now ?

And about run_birming being a solo map instead of a race map

$change server solo

^ I agree with supdef, this is race, 1hook and run_birming is also race and while we are at the topic of moving categories, maps like fly out of hell (flyrace) and run_guy_25 is also race, flow was never an indicator if a map is race or not, there were challenge maps back then aswell, like get_to1000 etc.

Yes it's race

Everyone has a different opinion about that

It has already been discussed (scroll a bit)

I would consider this map as a race map. Checked the map and it don't use anything that wasn't in original race mod (race mod features). There also were plenty of this kind of maps in original race era. Back in the days I wouldn't have any problems in running it on original race mod on RacemaX (shields would be the only problem but they got removed xD).
Decission is yours =]

Category should be chosen by mappers IMHO

hey guys i back

Still looking for someone good with rocket xd


is the "normal" way = double on top?

i dont like the TP placement, the part is so unsmooth and the "cheat" way is easier

but the cheat way is almost impossible

with the normal way you could easily get through but TP2 is blocking the way and its just annoying

if i could decide between using an double and always hitting TP2 or doing the cheat way and still always hit TP2, i would choose the cheat way

should def change it

i see

do you have any advice?

about how to change


make it work with a double nade so you need to get a certain amount of speed

so it wont work without one, just try out something

**** it's more difficult than i thought, i wanna remake it.

what about this then?

added time checkpoint...

good map, rls

personally i dont think they are needed, coz the 1/4 tiles look so small.

It clearly doesn't need corners

$ready 5

great job on map MTJ

cp9 uncreative and reallly unfun

couldnt do the part in an hour while most parts took about 10mins

also im pretty sure you can double on the edge , the speeder is not a good way to prevent it

rest of the map very cool and fun aswell

i love 9

i love you

Isn't the name should be "run as a pro"?

names with spaces automatically have _ in them

I mean in

no i think it's intentional, like other race maps





im fast :d

you coldnt keep up

I see that

who playtested this map?

free map

where is paid map

oh starkiller ok

Why is this solo?

i wanna pseudofly through this map

Can you please stop spamming testing and evaluated maps channels ? If you want to write here, do it when the maps still need testing

The only normal message here