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added a hint

u need no tile for no hammer

add a command for this


sv_hit 0


i have a demo video for this map , it may helps but it was recorded 3 months ago so there are some parts changed and new parts added.

does nobody care u can skip the deep and go with hookfly instant to finish?

U left way too much space in every direction xd

thats insane.

well i will fix this


hope bot can help me remove the space, but if not i will remove by myself

u have to do it


decreased layers size, fixed the deep skip

if 2 ppl finish and get t0 after they can drag everyone from start to finish


reworked the start and end part to prevent the skip


i will fix sooon

im either doing the part wrong or its impossible now, did you test it?

oh its my fault, i will rework this part

fixed and fixed some corners

I dont think its a big deal but still fixed this

is there some easy way to do that part?

yeah, it's crazy. bit posted an old demo


yeah this part contained in the old demo

edge on death oO

from the part before

no need to have it twice

I don't like this ending
the gameplay is fine but there is no reason for the dummy to die

which makes is a bit confusing

you don't even have to put him on the unlock team tile and hook in some kill tiles you can just go up there alone and just /kill him

so i would i put some off switch for a door where the unlock team tile is and it should be less confusing and not cheatable


lol u can edge here and get speed to go to finish


thank you ! i made a mistake, it cant be solo now

I dont want to use the switch layer so i reworked the start part, hope no cheats there

that looks very skippable

i think u need more deep that u cant throw the dummy right up and lay him on edge

more deep here?

i will test this

always touch the deep at top


it works

if you can't make something really reliable then please just use switch layer

nice skip , but i have simple solution now

yeah that should work


unless you can somehow do a wallhammer in that 1 tile

no hammer in this map

ah ye



$ready 4

Im'corneum told me about a really cool idea, so I decided to change the beginning part.

@Im 'corneum, I changed a bit from yours to make it better connect to the next level.

That's even cooler 👍

Ehat was before ? :D

such a big difference ...

no ready for u


Why is that start there now xd


thank you !

I still don't trust it, you should bring back the safe one

how about this

does the gap from deep have to be so big tho?

just make something foolproof

Not understand about the "gap from deep", this is already very narrow for the expected way.


why did you change the start anyway? the old one wasn't broken and this one is already really messy

Sorry bit :D

It's fine. the idea is cool maybe I can use it in new yeyou maps 😂

OK. Go back to the last ready version

$ready 4

unlock tile should be marked

U can't finish it when ur not touching it xd

Doesn't matter

but how should you know you have to put the dummy there

and then safely kill him

if you don't see the tile

Just play the part 1 time

U have to put ur dummy in there, otherwise no way to the finish

it's not obvious you can drag him into kill tiles then, you can miss the chat-msg about unlocking the team

All dummy maps have unlock tiles. Even the old ones got fixed but not marked. Why would someone be confused.

for me it's more like cp's, you don't have to mark them if you walk through anyway

and there is no other way