this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


Nice map

It could just be an open space, so if you make a mistake you can recover it more easily

changed the part slightly thx for testing

tested with bumm (π), minor design fixes

why maps get rated 2p based, shouldn't it be balanced if it doesn't have teamforce?

I think this map will be very difficult to do with 2p

Besides, there are a lot of kills and parts where you die once and for all because of nonsense lol

It's perfect for trolling

never heard of that, its more about the feeling

it might as well be teamforce

for t0 its tinyhold except insane parts

yea its for sure tighter than the usual t0 style maps but i dont think teamforce should be added. Its not like u gain an advantage when playing t0 so theres no need to exclude it. Those players who think its way too tight for big t0 can go into teams

looks more like brutal 4-5 but not Insane 100%

u shouldnt rate maps

xD I just said my opinion I didn't say rerate it

good map! I think the filter should be harder for being an insane, perhaps not, was rlly easy for me tho

i just said u shouldnt try to rate maps

thx for testing

fair fair

super cool part tho!

yes that one isnt so easy

it would be, but it might be too easy

i mean half of the dificulty is getting the swing perfect

because you have to line it up with the dj and hook perfectly

did u do it with dummy? its really hard with dummy, isnt it

yea lol

ig since its 1st try, you could just make some of those hookthrough

seems like it would fit the difficulty fine

alright i will, i also felt like the part is really difficult with just that one hole to hook through


slightly changed said part

awesome, that seems to be more balanced

finished testing map, loved all the parts even though i cant do some of them with dummy. overall very solid, balanced, and creative

cool design too

fun map

but its more like brutal 5*

unless you play it as 2p

Hh map issue

We should create a category "hh map" imo

well then a lot of maps need separate categorys . example gores , maps like Ravillion and simular maps and so on ..

They are not even making "Solo/co-op trials" xD

yes make it

wtf does co-op trials mean

Did actually nobody read what Pipou wrote in info? π idk how to ping the info inside xD its in "Special Conditions" all the way down. edit: the map from sickcunt "quick_rune" is an example of co-op thingy


its better than ddlong and ddshort

more kill more fun

hmm i guess i was paranoid of people trying to skip, i guess i could change it. well the kills arent really in the way of anybody there

thx for testing iku

was good map

wasnt even online when it was sent

i bot wants something...

i would be afraid

he knows where you live

(Or maybe a tile higher if you think the hook isn't hard enough to land)

Nice map though, I enjoyed playing through it :D

I agree with the insane rating though, probably 1*

do u mean, when the person above unfreezes the lower one? or when the lower person gets the person above right out the freeze?

hmmm i think its kinda nonsense to make everything down there 2 tile cause boat is way harder than the actual βpartβ, and its just filler anyway not meant to be complex

yea can do that

agree with the other points, thank you very much for testing

When the person above unfreezes the lower one

I was saying for the freeze less to prevent skipping the wall, but more to prevent if they failed hh, people oculdn't just boat to save if there's 1 last



we were thinking for ins 1*

thx for testing

will fix it soon



$ready 1

saturday 20 (in 3 days), 3pm works for u?

yes it does


me when vacando comes out


your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

- added 1 unfreeze tile for QoL
- fixed 1 design corner missing


(needs to change/reload the map on servers that are still running the map)

Can we rerate it to brutal 4/5 ? didnt expect that many people to finish it that fast

5 still fits i think

This is insane 1* definitely, just because people finish a map doesnt mean reduce the difficulty xD its easier to finish a map with 30 tees than 2-4-6 ppl. Parts itself are hard enough with hard throws/catches or gaps.

i agree, seems insane 1*

it barely has that many faily spots

there are like 4 parts that are actually hard

this shouldnt be insane mio


we can compare the map to other 1* insanes tough!

half a year and 34 finishes

while this map has 84 in 2 days

so either rerate this or sus'terism


Ravillion: am i a joke to you

hardest part of map is holding D when being told to


i saw

insane 1* cuz im on my way to spend 30 hours trying to beat it in t0

the only solution : new hh map categories, because hh are always a problem in rating

I think sus'terism and mult0map both need a higher rating

this one seems fine

hh map category would be cool too tho, we have so many hh maps recently ;-;

10-20-30-40-50 :0

check if brutal 5s are as hard as this map

good idea.

map where u can pass with psedo fly