this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules:
I heard solo maps with no freeze tiles are all the rage
the gameplay mostly consists of copied movements and gores, making it feel like an oldschool, or even ddmaxish map
also decorations kinda suck ngl
If you're gonna say I copied anything, I'll say I made this map 11 years ago. Heinrich's map database confirms this.
The "inconsistent" spikes identify death tiles vs tele tiles.
I will agree that the decorations suck xD
As far as difficulty goes, the whole thing is 1 star solo. Nothing that a noob who has been playing for a couple months couldn't pull off. Anyone who can't get under 2 minutes finish time doesn't know the game.
when i mean copied, i mean parts just repeated
not stolen parts
I have seen worse DDNet maps, but I'm not pretending this is good xD
also you can just upload this to oldschool maps
easy upload to ddnet
I thought oldschool and solo were mutually exclusive. If not, I may.
Then again, I am going for real fame in the modern age. Have to stay young somehow!
remove sv_solo_server 1
The 1-tile tunnels are best with at least 12 players
Hardest part being near the start makes for an easy res!
you need a reliable confirmation that this map has been online before, i don't know the map
if there is no one who can confirm it, it is logically rejected because the gameplay is not good
Broken can confirm. He played the map with us 10 years ago.
If the gameplay is not good enough for DDNet, then I will try making a new map later.
public server or homeserver?
Public. I wasn't allowed to run home servers when I was a kid xD
Zukita probably remembers the map too, and maybe Skeith.
i like the map. never saw it before tho
Heinrich database confirms only version from 2014, and the version u uploaded here is kinda longer than the original one but u can see that its same map, we are not releasing updated old maps and original one is too boring with nothing special to be released even as oldschool
this is a race map, not a solo map