this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


Posting a winter themed map in summer so it might get released in time๐ง

you mean remove the platform to catch partner in air?


This will make the part too complicated for the beginning of the map. And u cant do it without using dj

what about this? am i doing this right or i need just run without hook?

oh. yea, you do it right. will fix later

cool map, hope it will be released

sine if you get him too deep the rest of the team get blocked

Timings to release hook is not as hard, but agree with blocking. I'll try to come up with something different here.

the gameplay seems fun and i really like the sliding tunes

nice design

you should copy it

I made the ice texture from default winter tileset. tried to make it not look like Arctic Frost but yea... winter everywhere looks like winter

that's not true, there are many nice color themes you can use for winter but whatever

I mean the whole map's color theme

arctic frost 2

hmm so arctic frost 3

not at all, I see brown

no colors other than blue and white fit here, so i just used shades of blue to make the map neither too light nor too dark. Cant come up with something different for this map

I'm not gonna get into a discussion but you're denying something obvious xd

I'm not denying, agreed with it here)

If it's a problem for a map release. i can do "Slippyfall" theme instead of winter

that's between you and louis, all I'm saying is it's clearly "inspired" by arctic frost and not any other winter design

design undersells it

it looked like boring t0 map in design, like arctic frost

but rly its cool tune map

i honestly dont mind toooo much but it definitely looks similar, mostly because of the similar entities layout (big rectangles on bottom, decorated block chunks on top)

i would just recommend changing a bit more because its good to have unique looking maps

its ok to have inspiration (after all my design for arctic frost was inspired by soap and behemoth) but u should change it up a bit

anyways its not much of a big deal for me (maybe silex will think different tho) but i recommend u change it a bit just to make your map more unique

Okay, so far I have no idea how to make the design more unique without completely changing it, but I'll try to come up with something

u can still keep the winter stuff, id just start by altering the entities style a bit

you have until it gets readied basically to change anything you want for design so no rush

calling a masterpiece a "random" winter map

I found it randomly by writing /map winter, so its random for me

i tried to convince silex to use slippery tiles at least for a hammerhit in arctic frost so i think this map is pretty cool

How is similiar design a problem if not obviously copied or "private" mapres?
External tiles free for everyone

design changes

-marked "trees" layer as HD.
- fixed corners

really cool map

nice, now we don't have to make arctic frost 2 for winter tourney bcs it's already here
@Im 'corneum@louis
Be careful when you copy/paste

The same thing happens all over the map, I leave it to you to find them and fix them


There is no way to fix this if i use the ice pattern. But I donโt think itโs noticeable without zoom and generally important. But if it's important, I can completely remove IcaPattern layer

Yea, cuz its end of the map?!

Yea, it is, cuz its part of the design.

With killtiles, hookable and hookthrough color, mountains lines i agree

The pattern isn't teeish, it would need a rework. And yes I expected that because of the cut corners

I don't see how it's limiting

It looks bugged

What do you think about that
looks bugged but if it's intentional then it's ok


Removed Ice_Pattern Layer Limited end of map Improved killtiles design Improved hookable and hookthrough color fixed background quads lines

Also I meant, you can use quads out of the limit, look at "into the night" on DDNet for example

The snowflakes are animated

It has to be 2^n because we upload the images to GPU directly and they only have to support 2^n resolutions for that. So some GPUs will display broken graphics if the resolution is different, but most will just scale it internally https://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/textures/make-better-textures-correct-size-and-power-of-two.php

Maybe place the spawn up


Replaced spawn, added quads design to end of map

I don't see anything weird, it looks good to me

now the snowflakes are appearing like shit

spawning from thin air and disappearing then magically reappearing


it looks good, what difference does it make where the animations appear and disappear?

Please remove my animation and snowflakes at all

I don't know how you can't see it


Ok, we need a final gameplay test

And some resizing

of ALL the images


Resized all images to 2^n Removed bugged doodads snowman


It should be ready 3* after that

What do you mean by "These are alternatives"? Its same tree on both screenshots

fixed bug above changed kill hook color added some variation to trees

You left the weird trees

where? i see only normal trees

delete the map and start over with normal trees

the left-most tree has cut off levels

isnt it intended to be flat? Looks normal for me

Not really.

notice how the trees on here dont have gaps

oh so it's a constructor

looks original, not just a boring tree xD

fixed tree

$ready 3


As far as I remember, there is no such thing in my map

as you told me that you don't check up this channel too often (so I realised I will ping you) please take a look at this. Made a fast check in editor and yeah don't see anything that could trigger switches. Tunes are seen as switches ?

I fixed that recently, let me check if we are using correct version of the tool: https://github.com/heinrich5991/libtw2/pull/64

or maybe I actually broke it ๐

yep, my fix works, have to probably rerun it on all maps