this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


good map

where cp1

at start

u dont even need the sg on the ceiling but its a bit trickier


fixed skip


remove bug parts

(first part)

clean this part up

(too cluttered, jumps+unfreeze+armor)

also maybe add a part here where u keep nade and then remove it after

so its more interesting and u dont lose nade after 1 part

make part better, 1 hookable = annoying and swing is kinda precise

maybe u can make them edge here instead of putting jump refill


cp 1 missing

oh it's in start ...

to tele 4 is to near freeze ?

isn't to get shotgun is to easy ?

doesnt matter

do high detail stuff

i find this part very frustrating sometimes

u barely miss the last laser a lot

maybe move the freeze+blocks all down 1 tile

i think u dont need 0 jumps here

just force them to use dj somewhere in here

so they cant use dj before

this part is a lot better but still very tight

maybe separate it a bit from the part before, its up to you

and im not sure if i like the weapon tele thing, maybe u can find a way to do it without it

like idk maybe have tee there and shoot the nade like that somehow

again, weapon tele = kinda cringe

if u can try to remove it

from here it looks like part is unfaily

put turn off entities sign and [!] in design to show that u can fail

or make the whole thing unfaily

also remove that thing sticking out

unless it has a purpose

put tele away from freeze or smth

feel like theres potential for quite a few skips here

put 1 more unfreeze there

i feel like thsi hook is way too close for comfort, add 1-2 more blocks deep below

also i feel like u need to balance the map, some parts are very faily and others not as much

so either make most things faily or most things unfaily imo (parts like tp 5 should be unfaily)

also parts like this

in here, the easy part is unfaily and hard parts faily, which dont make much sense to me

anyways, fix all of that and map is releasable

and i might change some design cuz its kinda boring + stolen


🐤 👍

that was quick
@perrodecerrodid u even test it

how 2 hours quick for short map


o i thought u started after u joined my lan


can skip the nade if u go thru bottom speeder

u can "Technically" skip that armor on the left and keep nade

even tho it doesnt really do much i think u should still fix it

u can just go straight thru here idk if u care


i added 1 speedup there and as long i test its not skippable but not 100% sure

and ik about this, its okay for me, way for nobos like acqwerty


i do in 1 hook over the freeze

no proof


🐥 👍

move left wall of tele here 2 blocks < cuz u can hit it with far swing

add cp here not just tele2 or else someone will go into < tele and get sent back a part


ok then ill finally ready it


ping ping ping


did someone tell u to change blmap part

can u put the freeze here 1 more down (the freeze left of kill + the kill)

cuz its kinda hard

u dont have to change the part just make it a bit easier

i tried it but if u got good swing is boring


$ready 3

since this map is between 2 and 3, im putting a public vote here so ppl cant complain about rating after release

if more ppl think its 2* then ill change it

I think you should keep 3 great map and puting it in the same difficulty level as kobra solo maps might be considered as an late and truly evil aprils fools joke =] also recent maps made by Destoros are wayyyy easier from this one (and they are 2 rated)

el pollito pio

el pollito pio

en la radio hay un pollito

🐥 👍

Y e gallo cocoroco

Y la gallina clic cloc