this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

some texture bugs were fixed

what is cps?)


i need to add, or delete?


The logo says "nadescanall" ,but the file says "nadecanall" Typo?

You say nade can all, but can it bring back my dad?

Destoros parts. Ctrl+c , Ctrl+v

the parts are rather simple and not something i would call "creative"

Why is the file size so big btw

i feel like logo is just really huge

but havent checked

also there are like 2 unused images

if quads use the same image then you can place multiple of them in one single layer

no idea what that text says

here is gameplay

why so many snow layers you created , do it one layer


im new in mapping, you need to say all i need to do) how to multiple them

i just clicked copy, and it copys layer

i need to change name, not logo, but how, i wonna Nades..\

hmmm, idk, try

when your quads layer is selected you can just press the "add quad" button at the top

and then you can just place more of those in one layer

its bad when there is many quads?

also when you are working with quads try right clicking on green box and choosing "aspect ratio" option so that the images dont look so stretched

it helps with map optimization

i clicked square

and in my opinion it makes it easier to work with

ama go sleep, tomorrow ill try to do something, and u can make it too)

tp 9 and tp 1 fixed, made mountains in 1 quad

idk i wonna nades or nade

say me my problems, ill try to done them

design , gameplay

DoubleNade on minimal requires

i dont played on double nade until today💀

but i really don't played..

beside stolen parts it's race map with boring parts tho


apart from the fact that it has blatantly stolen parts it still does not provide the player with nice gameplay. Even an nearly decade old race map like run_4xerhul can easily compete with this creation mapping-wise. Please try to think of parts that arent already in 95% of maps in the race category.



can i use some of this parts like 9 and 1 for my next?

9 is have no gameplay , its basic like old maps had . 1st part i made , maybe improve it somehow :/


there is no funny parts?)

andd i like 3

to simple

okie, i have an idea, and i dont seen it, i wish it will benew in ddrace)