this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


ok, I will increase

I don't think it's necessary, because the map's part isn't fun either or the way it's presented is wrong.

okkk 🙂

hmmmm, ok

even with the jetpack?

I can show you how to change it, and then you can upload it again later.

load what?

Normally in recent rls maps I rarely see so many solid layers used Because of the difficulty constraints

I think I'll $decline this map

no no pls,I don't understand because I don't understand English xdddd

But the parts on your map are not up to snuff, and the map is so short that the time spent on each part is unbalanced.

ok, but wouldn't it be easier for you to talk about the parts that I should fix and balance the investment by just refusing the map?

You've got so much to fix, you might as well make a new one.

I want more than you say, please, I have almost no creativity when creating maps xd

You could look at the recent Novice map from rls, I think that would help you.

yeah i know

what would be rls?




Good luck with the next map. $decline


You can ask me in private.



I did exactly the same thing as you the first time I made a map. good luck have next map