this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


idk if this fits brutal, might be high mod

i could remove some tele in some areas to make it harder, considering its also a fairly short map


changed the startline

fixed nade shild 1st part let player keep nade for part instead of enabling deepfly add some hookthrough

forgot to add back shield later on

forgot to add undeepfreeze 🥶

fixed deep

weird error?

test server crashed or something idk

added some hokthru

moved unfreez

my map hurts my brain -_- ive fixed so many skips

i started playing the map and got confused on part 1, so i cheated to the finish, then i was like i have to play the real map, and when i was in second part i understand that i cheated again the first part (still dont know how it should work), then i cheated the second part (still dont know how it should work) then it's finish and the finish and noobfilter is horrible to play


Can you do a video of you doing the map that you post on Youtube and send us the link ?

chances are, you "cheating" the parts was you doing them proper xd, considering u couldn't find proper way

maybe sometime, kinda lazy now than map is declined

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTsWd4r7YME playthrough