this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

an old race map from tsin, he gave me permission to post it

What about the first few? I was also thinking about posting them all. I like Steff fastrun2 best

i think the other maps are all too short and would count under short-runs

removed unused envelops, added sv_solo_server 1

and i dont get why are there cp entities

btw cool map release

hm i dont have this problem

its ok, 1/2 tele not added in whole map


i got those tps here too

maybe put wall left side so part not cuttable


i think these used to be time-cp tiles

so u could know if u were faster in ur split or not

maybe it only shows in older clients

im using 14.5.1


on the first part remove deathtiles, and make teleporter leading to a deathtile since deathtiles have larger hitboxes

no its ok

Hello just to clear things out:
- Coke I never gave you permission 😛 I wrote something like this "nobody ever asked me for permission to release anything ddmax related on ddnet so whats the point of me giving a permission now, you will do what you will do" =]
- This map was made for racemax (racemod, no ddrace code in it). It means its not compatible with any ddrace mod client. You will see strange entities here and there on any ddrace client. Map have no freeze (because there was no freeze in racemod). I did add looots of stoppers In many places where you just see strange teleports or easy speed-skips(you won't see this stoppers in ddrace client).
- RacemaX was also a modified version of racemod and we had special entities for it so you also won't see all features in original racemod client(if you still have any =])
- Deathtiles at the beginning of the map were a common thing in grenade race maps. If you failed the double nade then you didnt had to press your bind for kill. In racemod start line acted diffrently to ddrace start line(there was no time reset). If you crossed the start line once and you would be teleported to the beginning (before it) then crossing it second time wouldn't reset the time.
- In future if you will port more race mod maps to ddrace then you will have problems in entities and you will be thinking how could nobody see this obvious cheat/skip in some parts.
- (Theory) I think that teleports in race mod were more aggressive and didn't allow such an easy speed-skip like in ddrace. They were skippable but at much bigger speeds (you won't gain such speed on this map). Still I never trusted it so I always added stoppers (like i wrote earlier you won't see those stoppers in ddrace client).

so should I rework the whole map with new entities? There is no problem in the new client but some ppl told me there are strange entity bugs in older clients.. Strangely enough, I can't see them either when I use an older client xD and give me permission or do what u want are the same things for me

Maybe i replace all with cfrm and remove stoppers

Ah yes, you can do this

some bugs fixed, replaced normal tele with cfrm

was this map at ddmax server? if yes it should be rlsd at ddmax. like the solo-short-race nut maps

not ddmax


$ready 2

so fast

simple map

removed invisible design tiles (966)

GJ ReD =]

is the maps name "Steff_fastrun_5" or "Steff fastrun 5"?

Steff fastrun 5 if possible, I don't like those " " =/ if its not possible or would be pain to change then just leave it as it is =] (Coke wrote to me that its not easy to change because of some autobot thingy)

$change name Steff fastrun 5

$change name "Steff fastrun 5"

An internal error occurred

my point was more about the underscore

obviously the quotemarks will be gone in the actual maps name xd

steff_fastrun or steff fastrun

but i guess well go with steff fastrun then

In the quote marks i did add underscore but discord removed it and I didn't notice that sorry =/ it seems that you need to write word_word to make it visible. I know that quote marks wouldn't be used in game =]

ah yeah ok


map is bad rated

its 1* map

I played this map long time ago and it took hour probably to finish it ...


its an ez map



i would say it's 3 but when it's was released


clearly 1*