i would put ahookable here where u can just spec to see the next part

ah nvm i guess u can spec while stacked but it was hard to see that you can stack

Spec at the beginning of the map

Spec when you're stacked is a bad idea because you'll lose your bounce on the dummy

eh, normally ppl dont expect to have to spec past the first part

just putting one hookable at the top where you can spec would make things easier

Okay, si I think I should put one hookables at every part if we follow the principle

I'm not really in favor of this idea

I tried to make sure that the map be one in go

But if a lot of people are against

i will Test it soon


Tell me when you're doing it

Solve some design problem

$ready 3

maybe need other opinion for difficulty

we're not sure xd

seems like at least 3

improved and fix design

wow these was fastest $ready i ever seen

wait with this ready

difficulty looks like even 4 because you have only 1 try

1 part is stupid

at least 1

It's all OK for me

Very nice map, he showed all parts multiple times

As I said I don't know exactly what the difficulty is

Very nice map, he showed all parts multiple times You know that you must test the map on your own as well instead of just watching? xd


If you don't have anything useful to contribute let it be to pollute the channels with unnecessary comments thx

yea I was disappointed playing it xd

after doing the map I realized oh I had to make one more hook fast

so I did it

and then oh so next step is fall immediately and hook him again

and then oh it's not all

I need to take speed and jump through freeze and ifnally I did whole part

it's like 10 fast first try moves

without break

luckily map isn't long

but some parts are weird mapped

Things you do not notice when you only spectate the mapper playing it as apparently
@Cøkedid, I am just pointing at your misbehaviour as tester,
@Cøke, there is nothing unnecessary about that

its like momentum but with own style

You tell me tester rules that don't exist XD There are many maps that have not been played by testers, sometimes it is not necessary to play everything by yourself

So I told him to play the map a few times

U noticed that he is a tester now?

imo it does sound sensible that someone that is not the creator of a map should try to play it

Who says no one else has ever played it?

it sounded like you tested by having the creator play it and judged from that, where i agree with Freezestyler that that should not suffice

yea mapper played every part 100 times so it's easy for him

and he knows all the movements and tricks

and when you play it for the first time you have to discover it


map looks like it could be improved

for example 1s freeze looking just like normal freeze?

- it doesn't make sense to make 1s freeze there

why is 1s freeze with no marking on other maps ok?

- part looks cheatable


maybe because in this exact situation it matters because

there are unfreezes and you have to hold jump

and holding it a bit too long can cause fail

- it's weird when you don't notice this 1 star

and you can be unfrozen right after falling out of freeze

then reset it and tell him what to do
@Lady Saavik
just because other maps have bugs doens't mean we can allow them xd

it depends

on your screen it looks like you're falling fast

map is ok for me, u can reset it when u dont agree ($reset)

yea it is "ok"-ish... but can be better

instead of telling me to reset t you could do it too


why should i do it when the map is ok for me

so make it ready again if you think so xD


and I will reset it again because it's not ready for me

and you will say but it's ok we can release

no its on your hand now


i understand faily maps, but this kinda faily is just..

it feels like it's just to increase the map difficulty

and i agree

that the 1 second freezes were weird?

i had to go into entities to make sure i wasn't missing anything.

it should be very easy to fix though

so i dont' think that's much of an issue with this map

switch-freeze is not a bug, it adds flow and players don't need to know about it

at least that is the case on Momentum (the blue map from screenshot)

nah but its trippy

what's even the point of adding switch freeze
i've never understood

doesn't unfreeze work the same way?

its good to use 1sec freezes to reduce unnecessary delays

should be used more often so players get used to it



u mean like when its used in tunnels so ur not unfrozen for 3 sec while waiting on dummy

i guess

you have to wait 1sec instead of 3sec

nah, then you can hold jump and skip tower (and in momentum it would also mess up some timings)

- fix design
- fix 1 sec freeze cheat

- fix one bug thx to Hey, fuck you!

- add HD (stars, doodads 1 & 2)
- change 2nd part (timed freeze & fix freeze jump)

tested map, good flow, makes a lot of fun to play. Found no tile bugs or cheats o: +1 pls rls


you forgot to add some stuff to hd

- add all doodads in HD & treasures
- edited 45_Unhookable to reduce the file size
- Make the last part harder to cheat (fall without touching wall)

- fix design problem

looks good, cant find any design problems. Gameplay was good before so ready imo

put remaining design layers in hd

fixed 2 entity bugs

$ready 3*

Thank you jao

(and qywinc & Lenah :3)

cheatable map

Momentum as well

Next time test more maybe

I mean

Those cheats are fine

Speedrun ways

Makes map even more interesting

Even tho they are mistakes