this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Could also be insane 1* But im bad at rating so

new masterpiece

fixed some parts and design bugs thx to IKU

cool gameplay seems like a very fun t0 map

altough the 2nd section is not as well mapped the rest is very good

probably insane 1*

i fixed the structure so its not anymore flat surface thx IKU

little design fix

nvm fixed

Where thanks to Konsti

fixed everything thx
nice map

This map better be good my old gamertag was farlanders

Fix soon

you can help making it even better by testing 😏

Can’t actually I’m at the beach in vacation. Will be able to soon tho when I’m done with vacation

Go get Laptop xd

Ahaha enjoy your vacation! 😂

I have I just didn’t have a flat surface to lay the laptop and mouse on. 3 families in the house and 1 common room meant I could only use my room and there’s a distinct lack of desks here

House has like 5 bedrooms and 1 common place it’s pretty dope

xd all Good

other than that

i like this map

Thanks for the Test ill fix These Things soon

very cool map but does rayb knows that u are reusing his parts from skypiea? there no point in releasing skypiea anymore because u are reusing parts from it and it would be very cool to have both of these map on ddnet

u didnt even credit him on the map

I asked him Long Time ago And he said it was fine but idk if i have the Chat if its a big deal i could also change these parts

Its solo you can do it duo but it looked better with the ht

And why no one needs Laser you know After the Part one has to Go right and has a laser solo or am i missing smth 😅

You can skip the part

Both get cp

And go back

To the cfrm

Then they are at the solos and both can go the solo without the laser

Ahh okay

I will fix it

It’s would be very nice if u can so skypiea also could be released

Okay than put This on waiting pls i think we need a lot of time do rework These etc ^^


Wow Freezestyler I forgot you exist

yea Im alive :D

Rayb deleted his account so i couldn't find the messages anymore so i think its ok if i use the parts i wanted to ask him again but will ye xd but i will give him credits then ofc if its fine for you

Im not against this map being released with these parts, I was saying if u could replace or delete them so both of these cool maps could be released(I wanted to post it on next week). Its gonna be lame to release maps with exactly same parts so better don’t post skypiea at all then

Ahh thats why i mean you could also post skypiea its only a few parts and i think its okay if They have same parts cuz skypiea has also Other good parts imo i would post it

Gonna fix all the skips

everything should be fixed now

Didnt fixed this like u said Almost skipped nothing

fixed 1 skip

not fixed


I forgot about these two xd

Fix soon

Btw Can you Send a video how?
I tested a lot with hammerfly etc thats why

Well xd okay

If you know how its 100%

i hope its fixed now

btw can some
change this to insane?

$change server insane


fixed skip

some more unfreeze at 1 spot

added timecp



When make File size smaler

Its a mess, back in time there were almost No Maps over 100kb

back in time is 435kb

im not talking about the Bit maps

Mb Some tester Can pls optimize This with the command?

yes bit make small maps, moyu only 240kb

Fun t0 map

few fixes

few fixes

Really nice map, the drag parts feels alot like a naufrage map. Sadly all the drag parts can be done by 1 person and the other guy just have to hook you out, would be nice if both people had to do parts! I'd suggest redoing some of the fillers, there is alot of borring hammerhit & going through edges parts. i'd rate it maximum brutal 3.

i wait for tester

don't make tester to retest same stuff , just fix it so tester will have less work

Idk why fix its Just fillers

Imo its fine

@Aoewe appreciate your feedback. ❤️ It surely is true that the part distribution is kind of one-sided and we are aware of that. However, we considered this map a team 0 map from the start and we didn't see it as much as an issue but rather as an opportunity to help the map flow and avoiding to get hard stuck in the middle of the map but guaranteeing steady progress. Anyway, it certainly is the truth that in terms of duo runs one tee could be heavily carried through the drag parts and we tried to make up for that mostly by making the other parts fairly faily in order to prevent that. (Additionally since /swap was invented this style of mapping could be considered promoted, at least that's how we see it, so instead of waiting 30 seconds to use this command you can more or less just move on.) Taking into account the amount of plain hammer hit and edges that you pointed out - it showed in the past that these are the transitions or even types of maps that are most liked by the community (e.g. Stronghold, earlier Aim maps which also had these kind of fillers or even Naufrage) so we decided that regarding the fillers it'd be best to follow those styles. We obviously tried to keep it to a minimum and tried to vary it a bit. Due to the length of the map we think that the amount of fillers is totally resonable as these are probably only about 20 % of the map. Not to mention that restructuring and redesigning the whole map would be a huge workload which I presume no one of us would be willing to take on as we all aren't that much into Teeworlds anymore. So, we aren't planning on changing the entire map completely although I think minor changes would surely be benefitting and nice to have. We will discuss some of that internally and it would be quite helpful if you you would point out the spots that are mostly flawed in your opinion if you don't mind. :D We hope that this isn't as much of an inconvenience and that you can still enjoy the map.

Thanks again for testing! ❤️

@Freezy!! Yeah fillers is a pain in the ass... Which is why I made Aimbot with only drag parts as my last map.. I think it would be nice if the hammerhits had some elevation, maybe with more freeze on ground or freeze on roof? (can even add kill tiles) Exsample:

If you really want to keep the going through freeze parts, here is how I did it in Aimateur to make it abit more challanging.

Other than the fillers I really dont think you should change anything, I pointed out 2 small things to Genex & J&ON but thats it 🙂

Thank you very much for your suggestions and the effort you made. We will apply some changes soon!

changed some of the fillers if you wanna check again
Very nice! That is way better than before imo 😄 I'd rate it about brutal 4 with these changes

A small things I would personally change is make this jump abit easier to do, maybe remove 1 tile of freeze where you land.?

Also this jump here seems abit too hard to do in 1 try compared to the rest of the map

Regarding the difficulty I personally think that 5 Brutal or 1 Insane could both be justified. We got mixed opinions from others so far so we will just wait for some more opinions. 😁

Do you need all those images ? I see multiple versions of generic unhookable and grass

Some images such as chainquad.png could be minimised

120x3720 is not correct and is too big

16*128 should be enough

Change the size of all of your images to a good format and reduce them

If it gets blurry, double the size


What I would suggest to do in Inkscape is :

Step 0 : Download Inkscape https://inkscape.org/pt-br/release/inkscape-1.2.1/ and open a new project

Step 9 : Apply those colors to your quads in-game

If you want a night design, go from dark (in the back) to light. For a day design, you can go from a light background to dark foreground


@Pipouand thank you very much for your effort and feedback! ❤️ Unfortunately I have to admit that we don't quite understand what you're pointing out. It seems like some minor design fixes if I'm not mistaken and to be honest I wonder if we really have to make such an effort in order to get it done. Additionally I feel like that's kind of too advanced for us especially for such small things. However, if it is easily done for you and not connected to a lot of work we would gladly accept your help. 😅

Hi! Thanks, I'm on a testing spree ! 😂 I think I was quite clear. You need to reduce the size of the images and avoid using multiple versions of a same tileset in order to optimize the map and lower the size of the latter (which is quite heavy for such a design). What seems minor is actually major. Of course it's not about a missing tile, but it's just as important. Mapping takes effort, and designing is often left behind. People might say that it's useless because you can play in entities , which is a great tool, but the map should still be playable without using it; or they could make a simple design or one based on the entities' design; what's the point of making a great design yourself if it's to disable it? Here, I pointed out the problem of your choices of colors, which are confusing when playing. You've made a few maps already, and it's never too late to improve your mapping, because mapping doesn't only rely on putting game tiles. You've tried to make an advanced design, which is great! But you need some tips to get better now and for your next maps. A background is not a small thing, it's the first thing you see that fills your screen. I could do it for you, but that wouldn't be helping in the long run.

(that's why I made a little tutorial


where skypiea? smth going wrong?

@Pipouthanks again!^^ It would be rly cool if you could do it for us pls 😅

Paypal or Lydia ?

So we had several looks at what you pointed out,
@Pipou. In order to reduce the map size we would have to merge plenty images together which would force us to remap many parts of the design. The same comes in connection with the jungle midground in the 3rd design as we would have to change colors for each quad individually if we're not mistaken. This workload simply seems disproportionate to us. Additionally we don't really play Teeworlds anymore and hence don't feel the need to improve our mapping/designing skills. So if the things you pointed out make the map unreleaseable, so be it. We are sorry to say that as we really appreciate the effort you've put into testing this. 🙁

Yes, map weight pretty important

It's easier to start with new quad layers. whenever you copy a quad, it maintains the same color and position envelopes. Basically just make one quad the color you want and then paste the rest of them instead of converting all of your old quads.

Doesn't seem like Pipou is asking for much, just changing the colors a bit so they work better

when will $deep_optimize be a thing, where it manually merges all used tiles that are used inside tile layers, and removes every other one

sure it would be kind of unusable for other maps but file siiize

We are aware of that. That would force us to place ~10.000 quads all over again. We won’t do that.

There shouldn't be any problems with the map size considering that the current tournament map's size is 5 mb

It's 5mb because it has many sounds

Cerberus is fully optimized

That's the difference

I see a lot of room for a discussion here but that'd be kind of off-topic. Anyway, we won't merge any images (as this is the only way we see in order to reduce map size since the images are all rather small) and we won't redo all the quads in the third design. However, we can delete them if those colors are really that much of an issue (we personally like them but understand how to do it better if there will ever be another map by us in the future).

i don't think a map should be declined because of design reasons unless the design is truly terrible

or if it is way too heavy in filesize

how about adding a feature that allows you to select certain corners of multiple quads (that are in the same quad layer) at the same time. For example you could basically instantly change all of the blue jungle grass quads in one go. This would be extremely useful in seeing color differences, and would be similar to changing the color of a tile layer. Either way, I think the design isn't so bad.

that.. is already a feature? if i'm understanding you correctly

i mean like with the quads already oriented

oh yeah i mean if the different colored midgrounds are in different layers it shouldnt be too hard to chanage colors for all of them (your pc needs to be able to handle some big zoozes if you want to do it quickly though)

Idk why the Colors are like such a big Problem xd we like the colors like This

I rly dont See any problems about the mapsize xd

Nobody said anything about declining that map, it will just wait until it's optimized

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you but stalling a map until something is fixed or declining a map unless something is fixed seems effectively the same to me

It's actually not the same stage in the testing process

When a map is declined, you don't just wait for a fix (too many things to fix, needs a full remake)

When the map is "waiting", not too critical mistakes were made and can be fixed. The fixes are worth the effort because the map is good overall and releasable

It says "waiting for mapper", not testers, they are the one stalling

we will not merge the images or change the color cuz we think its fine like this as i said we like it like this and like freezestyler said there shouldnt be any problems with the map size so just rls this rly

give it a final test and its rdy to go

I forgot that this was added, will have a look at the color changes again then

for some reason the colors look completely different and really ugly when we apply them in-game

even the color code that you have in this example here

Show me what you did

applied the rgba value at the bottom right to the quads in-game

yes that's the problem

Are you sure you took the RGB code ?

we took the rgba one

don't add the "a"

only rgb, rgba without the "ff"

nop nvm i wont fix this there is way to much bush fill for this

idk why the colors are such a big problem

thanks that worked

for me personally it doesn't really fit and ruins the atmosphere so I'd prefer it to stay like it was before

but let me know if you terribly disagree

The contrast is still too big between the layers

yeah I feel so too but it's only slightly lighter

Fixed all

the colors

should be good now

fixed background

mini fix

rls now

okay first of all thank you! Anyway, before we even think about doing any other design fixes we would like to know if the gameplay itself is fine and ready.

It's being tested


It's pretty good overall

There is just 1 thing I'm not so sure about

Im pretty sure you Can See the difference 🤔

Increase the difference just a bit, it's hard to notice some 1x1

Also, you put the fire on HD and not the wood sticks

You could move more of the design to HD

The sun is HD while the sun rays aren't

everything thats not needed for gameplay


Cuz There is grassmain in the blocks

You dont See the normal grass then

Yeah ok I see, it's fine then

Will finish to test the gameplay with VéNa later, should be about 1 or 2*


Also, try reducing the map size, it's not worth 2,4mb

Ok we clearly cheated it

We had both tees go to the right platform, throw the one without laser to the left

Afterward, the one with laser can solo to the right

I don't know if it's a mapping mistake or if it's on purpose

Maybe just show another clip of the part not to be wrong

We did it by both going left, swinging, then hammer+jump

close to finish

used a automapper to highlight issues with the grass doodad sadly it gives false postives if its next to a wall still shows correctly if its wrong placed next to a corner

in case u wont to fix that but i guess not

looks like this the most left one is false postive =P

fixed grass bugs, cp 28/29 cheat, sun rays, 1st design clipping, unhookable bug, added 1 more column for speedfly, 2nd design ht color didn't fix cp 26 as we don't think it's random and cp 43/44 as the cheat seems to be kind of like the original way but more annoying

thanks for the tests 🙏

fixed hd

so the last thing we were being told (if I'm not mistaken which might well be because I wasn't there at that time) is that a release would be delayed because of season 2 arriving which is no longer a thing leaves us wondering wether the map is ready yet or if there're more tests to come

yes, I said that to genex but I will test 1 more time to check everything.

okay sure feel free to contact
@J$ONif you need help testing ☺️

Or contact

No time to test

You have Time

im there if you guys need me


HAHAHAHA kuss raus

ok the map is almost ready just have some little things. you are fine with cheats on part but in my mind some of them are to much (next sceen).

this part is to failly, i asked genex to show me and he fail 10 time, it's not rly consistent even for good player and this map is made for 2 tees. try to change ( i give you 3 exemple of micro change possible). red : most of the time i fall here, maybe remove this freeze. green : give more space so the jump is easier yellow : move the freeze at the good distance because it looks like you have to take the speed all the way right.

you mean if you drag someone he can take the other guy and fly or what?

finally, the map is good and rly to be rls after this little change. but i'm not sure about the level of the map, 60%/70% of the map is brutal, even if it's failly and long it's not that hard + t0 possible, if it's insane it's 1 star, or maybe change to brutal and it should be 5 stars. exmple : this part is literally moderate.

yep, not a fun cheat but possible and it cheats next part


well i guess i can just put some deep in the totele xd

so easy fix

but idk how to fix this well you have any idea?

wait nvm im fine with this xd

or need a second hook from the tee down so he need to stay down

i try smth

fixed all

you can still cheat the drag but now its harder i think

We don’t really care too much about the rating

It’s probably between brutal and insane

Got mixed reviews on that also

I think it would be played more if it‘d be rated insane

But feel free to rate it as you think 😂

Anyway, thank you so much for testing! ❤️

imo this is Insane 1*

fixed drag

This part is still skippable https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/998210590487093278/1047192943154429952/screenshot_2022-11-29_17-49-15.png

something like that would fix it

oh wait

wrong file i guess xd


should be fine now



Btw its Not a 2p map its Team 0 so i guess the spawns Are no problem

Im fine with This its okay if i add a freeze again its harder again so i think its fine

This idk the file is buggy or smth i fixed it ill upload again Later or tomorrow

as you want but it's an insane map and this is good transition , only 1 freeze is harder than now and not random and easier than old version

Okay ill fix

$ready 1

thanks to all the testers! <3

fixed some design bugs bug design fixes

rdy again thx

$ready 1


is it possible to release it before 2023?
doubt so

holding onto releases since we have 1 map per day currently (with the advent thing)

which makes umbrella and death rays on hold for 2 months, wouldn't be fair to skip them 🙁

Okay unlucky 😄

Make it novice so it becomes an advent map

replace freeze with unfreeze and done





tele 5 wrong placed and no stoppers at the end of the part

why wrong placed ?

no need for stoppers xd

and btw almost everything is cheatable xd its team 0

its cheatable with 2p

both can go up and use tele 4

5 is wrong placed means that u can just fall in and hook ur mate

no need to do the part

Not rly wrong placed it doesnt rly matter if you do the Part from the left or right so

I realize you don't understand what I mean, is it really necessary to make a video for such simple cheats?

Why you even care now?

I played the map yesterday and this is what I noticed the most, of course there are many more bugs and cheats but this was the biggest so far

Map is rls you had time to test it you didnt
We didnt saw the cheat and now its fine

There is always time to fix cheats or bugs

But I haven't looked at the whole map yet, so for now you have to wait and see what comes next.

Well there is no finish yet if you show me how i can fix it if not we are fine with the cheats

I thought it was enough that I just screen the part, for me it is obvious what is wrong here

Only thing i see that you can do the part from the left

Just look at tele 5, where the to tele is and where normal Tele

Ye i see you can hook him to the left and do the part from the Left ?

So if i put stoppers its fixed or not?

Yes the first cheat


But the second one is using Tele 5

As I said wait with fixed versions, I'm not done with the map. I will let u know

Okay you could show me Screenshot Then privat

10/10 argument bro nobody getting paid shit xd

ye okay fixed this

if you fail him you can hook him in tele

its kinda needed cuz of team 0 some maybe blocking and you cant get the hook

so its not fail

well i could also just place tele xd

in t0 u can help from down

i would just place tele there

but as u want

nah i just place tele

rly ? 😄

in solo, left tee can keep it

how? with hammer in freeze?

just hammer ur mate right up xd

fixed everything now you have mentioned except for this

you found more or can i upload
or you want to see first?

can you upload it pls

I'm against the solo part

It's either it's faily or it isn't, it can be faily but not in a solo

I've seen average people doing pretty well, but got filtered in that 1 try solo

You could add teleport and make it harder, or remove the solo/unsolo because the part itself is really bad

I'm asking you to edit it because it's not consistent as you add teleport at unfaily parts (and very easy ones) and yet you don't at very punishing ones

U dont need speed even on the solo part if u stop for some reason on the platform it will still work

Still, you shouldn't be able to fail in solo

Especially when the map is very accessible in t0

so what should i do

upload fixed version or not

Just give me 1 min i fix it 🙄

its now unfaily i put tele

You can Upload This Version

why you didnt said it before rls cuz you tested the map and all and all seems fine back then ? just wondering

I wasn't done, otherwise I would have made it ready


wtf what's up testing maps after they are released

whats even going on here

we dont care a single bit about cokes opinion and won't change anything

reupload old version pls

map wasnt tested properly and it got ready-d too quickly

Vena tested map

Pipou looked at design and tested a bit

Aoe tested map

Itsqed tested the map

Idk who Else so

Just leave it like This now

And Easy


Im not fine with the current version

This part is so punishing to play as 2p since you can cheat it with 4p, and now the cheat is fixed and this part sucks

It's fine to edit brand new released maps with no finishes if it is to make it better, more enjoyable

(and more balanced)

We are only a few people involved in testing maps and most players are more into testing and pointing out problem when the maps are already live

Everyone tests differently, some only check for 2 to 4p gameplay

The problem is that t0 wasn't taken into account and some parts are too punishing for people trying to play it as a challenge in a team of 2

true do something about this part its dogshit as 2p, is this part by json? 🥹

Nop its by freezestyler and its Good ^^ Just Need practice and timing

thats some mad copium, i would love to see how consistent you can make that part 2p

i did not say we can do it consistent i just say you need a lot of timing 🙂

and practice

still imo its so out of place, every part you can do in couple of tries but this

, im just saying this part could be improved so its less annoying

we are fixing the current version so that hopefully both sides are satisfied

unfortunately we won't change that part tho I'm sorry

made the solo a bit harder - stopper removed from the sg part cuz it doesnt make a difference

and fixed this with deepfreeze in totele

you can upload this versio

Map sits in testing for 5-6months Ddnet Testers: "i sleep" Map after being released for one day Ddnet Testers: "Please change this now"

as usual

map should stay 1 year in testing min

so no more yo bitch maps get released

I.K.U sigma moment


I mean its very hard for like 5 ppl to account for everything that might happen. When the map gets released it gets played a lot more so cheats and frustrating parts are found so I dont see a problem in fixing a released map as long as it doesnt hurt anyone who played it already

Even games with paid testers have tons of skips as we see in speedrunning

It all come down to the fact that testers dont have an algorithm to find all the stuff which random t0 guy can stumble on by accident

uploading the fixed v
