this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Map by Starkiller and me he can also Post fixes

remove teamforce



Its useless


freeze missing

or to much whatever

fixed thx

Overlooked the map found some minor Things i would fix, some are optional i guess.

But i like the map, looks hard, but seems interesting!

Well thanks for the Test But actually we just fixing the Last screenshot cuz everything else is not worth to fix

Yeah im not a Tester i just pointed out some things that i saw. Usually its better to map Unfreeze at failable parts but thats up to the Testers.

Some fillers are way too faily some of them are extremly boring. The general parts are way too spammed with edges and doesnt bring anything new or interesting

but there are some parts wich are quite interesting and creative

The main mapping style is also very boring.

Teamforce is also very boring


It makes sense to force a map that is completely designed for 2 players


1 week after release u'll remove teamforce

same as aimateur

The map isnt completely designed for 2 players, just as Aimateur

It is

And Its like 10times easier than aimateur

Only things you can rly fail are the filler parts But they are damn Easy

aimateur is a 4 insane. this is max 1

And Btw im pretty sure you will Never Play it so

We've agreed that this map is mostly artificial difficulty because of heavy edgehook spam. Because they make up most of the map I don't think it's reworkable either.


we all know that you hate edgehooks
Edgehooks are random

im just happy aimateur is no "heavy edge hook" spam

wtf ?

thats the most obvious decline ive ever seen. its just declined cuz u dont like me. uve rlsd aimateur but this gets declined cuz of "edge hook spam"

worst testing leader ive seen in 6-7 year playing

pls some other
take a look


when i rated 4k years ago jao removed my rating cuz he thougth i just hate the mapper. i want that ravie doesnt rate my maps anymore since its pretty obvious he just dont like me

there were 4 of us on the server and we agreed, idk why you're taking it personally against me

tell me one reason why aimateur got rls and this is "not rlsable"

because aimateur is overall a hard map and gameplay offers more

and i dont care if u say "other ppl agreed" i want a test from another test

if other testers agreed with u they can also post their opinion

aimateur has way more creative parts with weapons and the difficulty is not pure edges (altough a big part of it) also the parts look interesting nothing you usually see in brutal/insane maps
This maps difficulty only comes from the edges and it feels like it was made like "can we put an edge hook here? yes? then put one there" and theese edge hooks are quite basic (you see them quite often) but still gay to do 6 times there are some parts wich look quite good and interesting but its very few parts

in all this map doesnt bring anything new to the already existing maps, if you want to play an edgehook map play ravilion or any insane aim map

smasher xd

Gave the map a test and I don't really find it fun, but that could be due to it being a bit too hard for the SA community. We ended up just feeling frustrated and wanting to give up after 1 part.
So a bit hard to judge the map but I do think nobody from the SA community will play it.