this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


I will add at Night and send

it looks better



well i fixed all

ty i will check


maybe ready


well i will delete stoppers

i hope so 😄

assessment Rating: 3 Star Dummy (maybe 4Star not exactly sure) Map is fun to play has new creative parts & flow is ok
@Exotix, already told you my points, please fix. Otherwise make the map ready!

besides the part itself is not nice imo

well after playing the map, i think it doesn't have the potential to be released, most of the parts arent good, and some are boring/annoying to do


Good players alrdy tested its easy to get DJ with skill

It is planned for 2 ways one fast way for speedrun and one slow way

It’s an hard map so why u think all should get maked on ur own skill lvl wtf

U can cheat it right but it’s slower so it’s useless and it’s faily

This is the only thing u sag which makes sense I can fix this

Bro i think u should test maps on ur skill lvl if u can’t get how to do parts right

Alrdy good testers said to me it’s releasable so don’t tell shit pls

watch out how you talk boy or girl whatever, i get why you are salty, but the map isnt good, the gameplay is boring and mostly to say bad done

also ping the "good testers" so we can have a chat 😄

i was playin ur map too btw and is pretty boring tbh

I can see how I'm talking, yes, but then you should start letting your opposite talk and not just assert your opinion, also take a look at something if you misunderstood something but you didn't want to watch that. Coke tested the map too It's not the most special map, but he said it's releasable and you can always talk about improvements. You don't always have to put an X behind a map that already has so much work in it, that's not fair

We all are doing the same and also we can, if the map doesn’t have the requirements for release we give feedback in general and then decline, besides if a tester want to intervine in the decision would have to test the whole map, but it’s seems I’m the only one who gave his time to test the map

im in chat with exotix about this map for very long time. it took a lot of work and seems not fair to be declined so fast. can you go more precisely wich parts needs a rework, so its enjoyable ?

imo first half has too much "do an edge to get dj" moments, its not hard and simply takes more time than a 1 block platform

didnt play the full map but i think it can be fixed


After a few talks with the team, I’ll try be more specific about the changes he Have to make

Arrow: the king of declining maps

also dont know why this should be declined. gameplay is fine, well mapped and makes fun overall


pretty good map

fun to play

i dont mind it

a simple drag can sometimes be fun

No, it's jao.. Still number one

its all just subjective

Thats why i said "can"

i like cans yes

Btw did arrow decline the map by literally himself only

Looks like it

"i was a mapper like you, but i took an arrow to the knee"

no one else was testing so i guess it was fair, except for the actual decline

can you please tell me, what from this version i should fix ?

dont worry i gotchu bro

dont worry i gotchu bro
u missed my ping, but i got u bro, checking later

tbh i forgot about this map, but i already checked, im sorry


is it good now ?

I'll check later

no, it's not

what u mean ?


Pataros (1)'s design was way clearer and easier to play with


i added the unlivefreeze for not cheating the part wile hammering the dummy from down and the door is for not go with the dummy the up way and cheat the part down, u want me to find a way to delete the door + for cant cheat the down part without the door ? so i can find a way, i will send the fixed version later

That hook seems not to be too popular amongst players

I alrdy fixed the swing to make it better I send after work but I need to know what should I do with the door in my question up
i need to make the unlivefreeze away ?

It's cheap to use a door there

here i fixed the screens
@Pipouand also the unlivefreeze
+1 pretty good


Talked to mapper in-game


after looking at the design of the map its whole diffirent thing than pataros 1 idk imo it doesnt fit name pataros 2 i would use same design or more similar if i were to make a sequel to a map

i fixed the 2 gameplay parts + removed freeze in tele + maked the swing work well + i placed the solo/endless mark as same, pls let me know when i need change some else

also found design bug fixed now

It's better now, but the design is still a problem

It's really hard to play as it is

its apain in the arse to completely change the design

is there not an way i can just change colours our what should i do now

I'm sorry, could you rephrase ? I don't get what you wrote

is there not an way i can just change colours our what should i do now

It still doesn't make sense

well so what can i do

Say it in German, I might understand it better

was kann ich jetzt noch ändern damit die map fertig ist

Sie müssen die farben andern

nur vom hintergrund ?


My German is limited, it's been a while 😄

You should be able to play without entities on


Höflichkeitsform intensifies

I prefer the current brown design honestly. It's pretty classic but not bad, I didn't feel like anything was unclear when I played it. Parts are gonna need some work tho

I'm thinking quite the opposite

what's so bad about it? the colors are pretty good imo

The gameplay is ok but not the design

There are too many of them, you can't see anything (freeze, teleport..)

some parts felt like they hardly work when I played them

He already tried editing them

is it good now?

the design is ok for me

see no problems




the corners are so bad placed and random 💀

Which corners

I replaced all the 3corner blocks in the gameplay with normal ones and only left the outside ones in the design, does it fit now?

didnt checked more

Ah this one’s I thought about the blocks

I will fix it later

is this okey?

i would change this purple color 😄 doesnt rly fit in the map

ah idk if u want it like this or with freeze behind, its random do it like u want

its all over the map


forgot HD things

moving suns doesnt work?


added HD

only non-gameplay relevant design elements on HD

u can still do it without speed

its still the same
@Exotix, i was thinking u will add something


fixed the points u named

the brown behind the unhookable should be non-HD, looks very shitty when u turn off hd now xd

wrong file


$edit --shrink-layers

$ready 3

i still want better corners


this map kinda fine!

you have to go ingame and zoom in to actually see it but still lmao

thats not the only corner error in this map...

It's fine

Mapper want both ways


Was already pointed

$ready 3

new map version

just corner bug


- rls is now

nvm then

snail can upload it later



rip Konsti credits

why is this still open

cuz he didnt credit my parts

Have there also 2 parts and no credits 😁

did he even map one


he asked everyone for 1 part and said "1 part doesnt need credits" to every single one of u and in the end he didnt map anything by himself

chatgpt vibes

nah i just helped a bit and never asked for that 😄

3 should be "ice cave"

lmfao xddd its true

i made at least 3 parts tho


essentail 2 > rename it to gravitee > after year remake it and post it as essential 2

so this is why the map is all over the place and so odd to play