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see no differents between unhook and ht xD

- tele and freeze

also the nf jump is kinda hard for novice

i was also curious why there are so many filler parts without anything but hook? just felt really empty

- imo design is good as it is
- made annoying fail unfaily
- made hard part easier
- no unfreeze on edges since you can get unfreezed in air
- made nf jump easier
- could call it filler parts or just chill ways, imo ddrace maps doesn't have to be part on part on part always, i somehow enjoy it, got a bit of Stargazing

ye i agree, parts where u just walk around or hook are fine especially in easy maps since itll just refine nobos hook skills

was just a question out of interest^^ nothing that i dislike yea new players would definetly enjoy that

I really like the map, only hammer part was kinda boring

For me this map is a 5 Star novice maps because of the mechanics

and the fact that you have no idea what is waiting infront of you

noobs will just mindlessly jump down without using the pause feature and will fail mostly


but yeah its pretty faily

5* novice or moderate 0

I think its okay that "everything is too big" like Welf said in his deleted message since this map is not for beginners

I deleted my message because i wanted to edit my screenshots first so my test comes out as a whole (the screens had to do with my text and it would be hard to follow).

I tested the map with Ama and Esckiller. For me the biggest issue about the map is, that everything is too big. It's hard to see where to go, if you didn't learn how to use zoom or entities off, yet. Maybe we need more opinions on this. I don't want to decline the map, but you should think about how to deal with it.

So yeah in my opinion you should think about what you want to do with the map, before just doing all the suggested changes. Do you want it beginner friendly or do you want it to be a challenge with some parts where beginners get punished for their mistakes. That's up to you. From a style perspective i suggest you to do some shotgun parts (because you already have laser and grenade parts), but i guess shotgun is the weirdest weapon for novice. It's not required.

i said it Already but he think it's good

Same for freeze and Tele

@Welfyou have this alot in the map, idk how to fix it, just wanted to mention it, for me it's fine actually xD
edit tileset or just set the doodads grass 1 more tile left

@WelfFor me it's hard to see the difference between unfreeze freeze and tele. Especially tele and freeze look very similar.
I agree,
@Cøkealso mentioned it

@Welfanother part that is hard without /pause and zoom
I think that's the spot where even I and Genex both failed there what surprised me

Going to change/fix most of everything tomorrow, we will see then, thanks

changed a lot on the map and pretty much everything you said except the walk rooms, i don't agree with you on that
@Welfbut that shouldn't be a problem imo added arrows to show the way, changed design (tele, ht), made parts easier, more tele, deleted falling in freeze fails, ... just look over it again 😛

this map is cool, pretty easy, nice and clear design 🙂

and 2 suggestions:

i would change this as its a hard hook for novice players

The changes you made are really good

i'd rather have a small platform on the left on savalics 3rd screenshot if it's too hard and if you want to keep the gameplay somewhat adding unfreeze would change the gameplay

2x bug fix made hook easier added small platform

small changes + placed laser & rocket that you have to take it

map looks fine to me now, I couldnt find anything

What do you think about adding some signs on what to do in certain parts like here

i dont think noobs will know what to do and will just drop in freeze

and not shoot down

even if you put a big sign there

i was thinking about it because in Mario Maker nearly every move in marked with something so they dont have to fail every part once to make it through the map

Also at the part from Ama's screenshot you can't see your teammates without using zoom or dyn cam. I think you should move the ground higher.

- added arrow to hammer
- made laser part ground higher
- won't do the details on startline HD since it's the same layer as the start line (i don't think anyone would care about this anyway)
- won't add signs



The mapper asked for it

FFS and his shit map gets released



I liked this map Way more then the map that got just released by you

Just sad this isnt getting released

- no need to say the map is shit
- the parts are not lost, i just use it for a different project

i say what i think just like you tell me that my maps are shit