this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Hello, I have already tested the map, some parts are very simple, looks like novice, some look like normal ddmax 1-2*, some moderate parts and couple brutal. Map totaly unbalanced and have to be reworked. I also found quite a few design issues.

uhh its will be hard to balance xd

this is not even an abyss 0/10 ruined my day

it SHOULD look like an abyss

but i change my mind

can u change name then so abyss stays open for an actual abyss map

i will think about it:D

just let me time

just curious wheres the unhook tileset from

from skin tw ;-;

Это та самая легендарная мапа))

Эволюция из новайса к модеру, к некст реворку - брутал?)

idk how to do NOVICE PARTS XD

Pls try to talk in English here so everyone can understand

i don't wanna it

Having played on this map, I can say that this map is full of small flaws and the imbalance of the parties, one party is led and the other is a light drag, there are also many spikes throughout the map and some of them are kill titles and some are unhookable, of course this map has its place among others map but first you have to remove these small bugs. There is also a big drawback that somewhere on the 3rd party you get sg, which you don't need in the further passed maps. That's all, creating a map is a difficult process, so I advise you to wait until Sunday and play with friends before releasing it, at least in order to fix texture bugs and party imbalances

also, would i play this map again and have fun? honestly no. To start with the first desk and immediately aled? No Also very easy drag parts with skips? honestly so so spike is unhook? No and no again Did I enjoy playing this map with a friend? Not that this is such a bad map, but having played others I would say that you still need to learn

of course, you can fix these textures and the map itself, but in my opinion it is easier to start over and put as much effort and imagination as possible to create an even better map, so that you want to play it and set time records

Je i know I should do creative parts but i don't have enough imagination xd

Well ty 4 u opinion

Hi agree with above, pls try to test b4 submitting and when you do that try to play the parts as it shouldn't be done or think another way of doing them so you can find cheats. The map is really problematic bcs you can skip everything, is quite unbalanced and as someone said above you would have to rework the whole map to make it work well so i rather decline this.

I'd to say is way better than the first one


keep on mapping and for any questions of different topics do it on
#questionsand inform yourself on
So im agree

can u pause the map on 1 week?

Oh so I will come back soon<3

The map is declined not on waiting

i didnt saw xd

You can still move the map on waiting if mapper wants time to fix your screens

Is Not worth

If it's not worth then yeah 👍(sorry 😅)

after playing on the map you will understand why😀

second bug is cp 11

dont need that 2 hts at start