this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

you have to remove the unused images

you can tell if it is unused if it is highlighted in blue

in this case you should remove jungle_deathtiles since you don't use them anywhere in the map (and they just take up extra space)


for hookthru you should use the right side example rather than the left side

the right side is a newer tile and generally works better, its to the left of the old hookthru tile in the game layer.

Didnt map for years. Here is updated hookthrough

hey there, for me this map is kinda unbalanced... the infinite jump part is way to easy (its just holding w + d), also the rocket part and the part after the small gores is more 1 solo compared to the rest of the map (2 solo)... while playing i didnt had that much fun, there is no smooth flow - if u know what i mean^^ design looks fine, except the colors between hookable and unhookable could be a bit more differently (for me, maybe other players likes it^^)

Changed easy parts to be more 2 starish

sv_solo_server 1 in server settings

played it again, idk what other people will say but i still dont like some parts... :/
tele 5: this rocket part is super easy, its just one hook and then getting up again tele 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11: idk why u placed this in your map, its just taking time and your falling through 6 teles till you can continue tele 13: too easy aswell - compared to other parts tele 19: rehooks at the end r just annoying and stops the flow of the map
in server settings you can fill in sv_solo_server 1 (just learned that aswell)^^

Access for command sv_solo_server denied

and i will think about tele 5 and 6-11

Background fixed rocket part and hook part changed

Hook part changed

Hook color changed to be more visible

I found the map weirdly short and cramped, it's 8 parts that aren't really balanced imo. I think opening it up more and making more engaging parts would improve it but as is I don't think it should be released sorry.

Other than that, I am not a gores player but I found the gores parts to be quite different in difficulty.
It feels like this map was a little too rushed in it's creation.

^ out of curiousity, why do you prefer only the top layer of tp
@Soapy Sandwich?

im not soapy but it looks a lot better in entities and also it causes more lag if u have a lot of teles

I think this map has no chance of an rls, boring standard parts, moves that repeat, parts that have no meaning for me... + unbalanced

ah, interesting

what louis said XD perfectly sums it up. Patiga 🙂


