"GetHammer" by tortilladmaiz [Brutal]
DDNet 09/16/2023 8:26 AM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

steinchen99 09/16/2023 11:42 AM

these look kinda ugly

steinchen99 09/16/2023 11:44 AM


steinchen99 09/16/2023 11:51 AM

to be teleported without anything happening feels kinda boring

steinchen99 09/16/2023 11:52 AM
steinchen99 09/16/2023 11:55 AM

just like there

thortillat.d.m 09/18/2023 5:44 PM
thortillat.d.m 09/18/2023 6:28 PM
soapysandwich 09/27/2023 10:04 PM

The lose hammer isn't marked, it can be accidentally touched after doing the entire map making the finish impossible. Should spawn the player outside the map, take away hammer and then teleport them here.

thortillat.d.m 09/29/2023 12:57 AM
cyberfighter 11/04/2023 5:48 PM

The kill tiles have a different outline color than normal blocks, looks bad like that

thortillat.d.m 11/04/2023 9:33 PM

can decline this map pla

thortillat.d.m 11/04/2023 9:33 PM


thortillat.d.m 11/04/2023 9:33 PM

i rlly get bored about this map

pipou_tw 11/04/2023 10:02 PM
