
Insane 2-3* i guess :p




totally copy of bit 2

if you rls this one, rls PsychoHonda by N9 too pls


Have to agree with kicker

you didnt rls map by n9 because you said its just a copy of Heartcore

this is just a copy of bit2, but some parts even almost didnt changed

this map isnt in any way the same as back in time 2 wtf

it is

idk where u have your eyes but ok

just because Silex is mapping maps in this style i can not do it? xd

i dont know, i just saying that you copied it from bit2

even spawn same as bit 2 lol

show me what is the same in this map & in bit2

wtf u r crying because the spawntiles r in the same order as in bit2? o.O

but instead of < u need to go >

this is a swing part

created by me

ok i remember you good from ur another map

i wont argue with you

there is no other swing part in ddnet/teeworlds who is the same as this

of course the swing part is inspired by silex, just because i like them i can't map something like it?

your arguments r making no sense in my eyes, sry :/

you can, my friend N9 was inspired from Themix, and his map got declined because he made map which look like heartcore

this is look like bit2


this map got another background than bit2, got other parts than bit2...

i dont understand your problem

isnt the same for me

the map"style" is the same yes, but its a different map


why you making bit3

and not your own map

it is our own map

wtf r u guys blind

pls delete all maps with kill tiles because bit2 included some

pls delete all solo maps because all normal maps using a solo noobfilter

just because the swing part is inspired by silex (because we like the swing parts) theres is nothing, not a single block in the same order as in his map

and also the swingpart is not the same than any single swingpart of Silex, we created it...

usually you give maps your own touch if you are inspired of others

not plainly copy the style

if it has the same structure and the same color scheme then it's safe to say it's copied


so i cant use blue in my maps?

come on now xd you know there's more colors than blue, red and yellow

it's literally the same shades and everything

u was the one on the server few minutes ago who said nice bg, right? 😃

so i make a blue background and red tiles, ye looks pretty awesome

cmon mate

the only thing that is not copied from bit2, yes



so the parts are from bit2?

show me which

well if the structure/style and difficulty are the same then parts are likely similar too

bit2 is just insane because of the lenght xd

this map is not that long and because of the difficulty of the parts insane

well i can change the design, the parts r in my eyes pretty dope and NOT from bit2

or similar 😃

well from what I see they are very similar xd

not exactly the same but obviously trying to be bit2

not rly

come on, you can't just blatantly copy a map and then deny it, nobody's buying it

let silex decide

if he thinks it's fine it's ok

ready for delete

- ask Cendren 😃 we just mapped what we like and didnt copied anything... where is the problem when i map something i like? 😃

after playing bit2 10 hours per day everyday u subconsciously created a copy


how long can you keep denying it... it's obviously the same


guys XD

I use an iphone everyday.. let me just make an almost identical copy and sell it as a new product

@Jesus Christ

Many people connected to the server and first what they said was smth like “wow bit3 already”


Why you rly deny

90% where TOP clanmembers 😃

You saying open your eyes, but maybe it’s you who need to do that

what xd

that's not even possible

all 3 of em

hes paranoid, he started to see TOP members everywhere

how do you get 90% of 3 people to say something

nice maths

well whatever... or old clanmembers (i dont know who is in it, but propably all where friends of jao) i dont get where the problem is when i map something i/we like... i already told that the design looks the same, ok maybe the structure too... but the parts are all different. did u all played the map who made an early decission or whatever? do u know if the map is good, if the map has flow or anything while watching it? 😃 there are several maps who looks the same i dont get the point why you wanna instant decline it...

there is just flame

friends of me == top members

you don't get it

it's not about whether the map is good or not

you neither

it's about that it's highly inspired

which is disrespectful to the original mapper

there r several maps who r inspired by other maps/mappers

we are talking about this map, not about others

there's a difference between "Inspired" and "I like this, I'm gonna make the exact same thing"

well i guess i cant discuss with u
Not exactly but pretty similar

you r talking the same shit over and over again

ye you won't convince me this is not copied

you guys focus too much on words

But he just telling the true?

he does not mean everything is copied

just highly inspired

i know its about this map...

copied style, structure, design, even if parts aren't exactly tile for tile the same, they are still very simillar

idk if u are blind or something open your eyes the parts are completly different

i agree with structure & design (not all)

i wonder if there is somewhere TOP sign🤔

parts are in the same style, some are almost exactly like on bit

worse tho

not as thought through

map by Silex

there is no part exactly like in bit


stop focusing so much on single words

you know what we mean

I sent you screen of one that above

It’s even placed in middle of map like bit2

show me the swing part who looks like this/who works like this in bit2

ye he has a swing part

but not this

not how this works



filter isnt the same

spawn, mate who cares about the spawn...

its jsut for standing


we are still talking about high similarities

not exact same copies

im talking about the parts

who are "copied"


ok whatever this is pointless lol

nobody could bring me a good screenshot who i can agree

you focus too much on single words

because there is nothing

yes because im mad... ppl are talking shit

i mapped this with cendren because we like it

we didnt even copied anyhting

take your time and calm down then

if it looks like bit2 ok then tell it like this

but nothing, not any fucking single shit in this map is copied

does it matter if its inspired??

inspired MHM

well i guessed its a game to have fun for
@jao... we used time for this map (which is good, with a good flow)... for nothing :p so i can't support ddnet with maps because i like map with structures which i can't map... hmm sad...

well support is maybe the wrong word but i think u know what i mean

your mindset is so wrong

but we will wait for silex

up to him

why is it wrong

i play and map for fun

i mapped this because i like it

i mapped nightstar because i like it

but its stolen, sooooo sad

you think only about yourself :)

basically it


actually not

would i mapped this map before back in time you would decline it

now when back in time is there you would decline it because its the same xd

(which isnt, but okay)

you really can't grasp that copying others work isn't fine?

i didnt copied anything

why u dont accept that

i mapped this because i like it

again, focusing too much on single words

when u say its copied just because there is gores in it, and parts and hh / hf

you know what I mean


wtf r u talking


THIS is the reason you r argumenting with me

u said "copying others work" i said "i didnt copied anything"

just take 1 closer look to the map and u see that this map is a different map... what do u want me to say??? i already said that i agree that the structure & design might be similar

If we changed the NoobFilter, Colors, of the map, Start and End of the map, is it possible to get released

Pls take a look at
@Jesus ChristScreenshot

It is true though, our map is in a way inspired by Silex. It's true the Noob-filter Start and Finish are very similar to his bit maps too, but if it was changed I think our map deserves to be released. We put a lot of thought and work into it. The actual only thing that you could say we copied about the parts, is the swing part, and why not? It's a great idea. why not have it in other maps too? It would be a shame to just patent one person to this idea if others can use this idea also. Think about this, it's true you should not use the exact same parts in your own map as another mapper used in his. That's understandable. But not using it whatsoever is just unfair to us tbh.
Also about
@Jesus Christyou should handle this conversation more professional and not make the accused more angry with teasing. You just make us more mad if you talk this way and it's not helping in any way. In contrary. If you have nothing good to say don't write anything at all, but this is just dumb and disappointing what you're doing (except posting this picture which you accused us also with something that is actually not helping also)

Yes what about this screenshot? Do you want to say that this part is also copied somewhere?

from https://ddnet.tw/rules :
Try to be creative! If you copy parts from other maps, they must have been changed significantly.
Your map may not contain design or parts of design (special tilesets, color shemes, layers) taken from other maps without the original mapper's/creator's permission. Commonly used and significantly changed design elements aren't covered by this.

Ye it is but I don't rly care just change start and the others things then mb you get a chance

our "parts" are creative and not copied from Silex's maps, except for the swing part who is similar (like Cendren said, we used the idea and created a part out of it in our way, there no swing part who is similar - except for the way that u swing from one side to anouther, but that includes the word "swingpart")
about the design; we agreed as we both said, we will change it if there is a chance to get the map released.

'you should handle this conversation more professional and not make the accused more angry with teasing', werent u the one who said: 'stfu ur opinion doesnt matter ur not tester' to kicker?

Than we will get to work and change these things.

<@456226577798135808> i think that if most of the players have the impression they are playing on the same map of another series, than you took TOO MUCH inspiration. if, on the other hand, players can feel this map is inspired by another one but they can realize they are playing on a completely different series, than its ok

I see you are trying to switch this on me nice one. Still in discord at least you should be more professional. This is only my opinion. If nobody of the leaders of the community and others care about this fine, but I do so I kindly pointed this out to you

dont try to correct others if u cant handle it urself

who the hell r u??? have u anything to say here? no, pls be quiet. thx ❤

I can handle it alright it's not that. I just think it's pointless to talk to some one who is mad in this way. You know you make him more mad and that's just hurtful and mean. Stop it Jesus

this guy is annoying af

Sorry to ask, but who are you exactly?

i'll answer as long as you can tell me how is that related to the point i made

the point you made is clear and we will work on the map, we just asked us who u r^^

So are you going to say I just want to know who I'm dealing with here. You made some good points just wanted to know.

And again, what was the point of saying this here. So unprofessional. I don't get you people sometimes.

it was just wrong chat

so childish

You still didn't answer my question.

if you really want to go off-topic on your own map thread, fine let's go off-topic

read this article

and other ones

and learn how to make a rational conversation

i'm off now.

good that wikipedia is a troll website where any 8 year old kid can write some stuff xd

Rls my Map pls

🇧 🇷 🇺 🇭

i like the background

took my time to optimize the map. should be releasable like that


this troll >.> ... but looks awesome 😄

Map by Silex thanks to Li Cendren and corneum

since jao want me to decide, i'm against rls of that and i got to agree with pretty much all other people here (except the mapper)

i don't want a map rlsd on ddnet already which is in my plans for the next months/years



well, we decided to rework the map, Silex dont have a patent on maps without tele (or on the parts we created) so you will hear from us soon

here or hear?

don't dare to act like someone here done something to you und your fake map and act like someone said i have patent on non tele parts, how can you be such a kid and just don't accept that the map you did here is not the same like a own made map rather just a cheap remake .. xd no one did say anything against a rework of that thing

this wasn't anything against you, chill your panties... 😉

sweet u wanna try to insult me now? 😃


try harder

it was a question

you should answer your role model to that question

i mean

if you try to fake something

better make it good

if u try to insult me, try harder, as i said 😃


normal convo

mate you r crying because of 1 little design bug XD

who is the kid here

1 ?

basically in the whole map


i'm not a kid, just a person who think you should know that u need to make that look better as Li Design pro


i'm trying to help but he's just trolling

no, its just funny that u dont know when to stop... typically 12 yo kiddo 😃

🇹 🇷 🇴 🇱 🇱

🇴 ⭕ 🇫

<@456226577798135808> i'm serious, can you tell my why you think everyone else here is wrong and you are right?

but i guess i won't get a normal answer to that also

we agreed... what is your problem? ... but our parts r our parts and they r not stolen like ravie said...

we like your map... i mean we are playing it everyday to finish it... so we were inspired and did this map



What's funny
this map

Hi Guys :)
After the last "bankruptcy" we decided to revise the map. We just changed on some parts only small things but some parts are completely exchanged, we have given the map a twist to get even more away of the back in time (2) feeling. I have tested the map with a few people, including jao - I didn't want to stand there again as if I had copied everything ..., asked for his opinion and decided to present this map to you so you can test it. I hope you like the map now and you will find it as we also cool. 😗

Is der gores da den ich wollte?


maybe before but now i guess not 😉

15 TH15 bock in t1m9 2.1

i don't want my map name in that

delete pls

this isnt in the newest version 😮

small changes/fixes 😃

junge das war ein witz


er fixt halt echt


ik xd but ye 😄

delete the dummy drag swing part

+, kinda copied from bit2 xd

& bit1

& bitd3

&bitd 2

he didn't change shit in that part


Mapstyle is different

Swing part is different

I dont see any problem

yes, the map looks like bit2 but when u play it you will see that this isnt bit2


arsch xd

i won't play it

delete swing part


syltoox, can you shut the fuck up? you said your opinion, i talk with the mapper

go bot

Who are u to tell him deleting parts

his role model


who are you to tell me mapstyle and swing part is different?

Since ur backintime maps, swing parts are forbidden lol

An normal drag is lame af

U arent the 1st one who thought of these swings

can you tell me the difference between his swing part and mine

U have to hook him out again after he is in a hole next to kill

Then solo going to end of part w a lil swing

Urs is made different


Why laughing

U cant keep saying that swings are only urs

Many guys had this idea

Only cause u made it "1st" its forbidden

I didn't said that and i wasn't even the 1st do a swing part

look above nobo

I did

U literally keep swing parts 4 u

you do excactly the same in this map like in bit2


that's all i can say to it

and i wont discuss

that with you

How is it the same XD

Dragging a player while he holds hook = bit2

not what i said, don't try to fool me

U literally said it

Its exactly the same

you swing from left do right and otherwise like 3-4-5 times and then get the tee out from a whole, THAT'S EXACTLY THE SAME

Should he swing up?


Left right only ways xd

go tell us if swing part can stay

discussion with a dumb nobody is time wasting

ye better make it your own


Im ok with changing the part/replace the part - its pretty sad, i really like that part

Yeah im sure you like it

Makes fun of it lmao

should i not like my part?

*- changed the start, because it was skipable
- fixed some small design bugs
- freeze is lighter now
- replaced the drag part
- small fixes on some parts to make them better*


Yes, my part 😃 just because u have several parts of this type in your maps doesnt make my part yours...

can someone ban silex from this channel

he useless here

i wouldnt say that, but some of his comments r just useless in my eyes

and because of some good t0 maps hes acting like "the king"

just be happy that you can still play on ddnet and stfu 🤖

ye im king of the north

jon snow my name

seriously what is your mission? what have i done to you? o.O

i won't explain it again, just read everything above maybe u will get a smarter person then

and it seems like i am not the only one thinking like this, or do you see the map released on the server already?

so don't act like i'm the only person saying that

its not about what you r saying about the map, its about how u say it

you act like you r perfect and nobody else can do anything

but whatever i dont will response to your childish behavior... i did what u wanted, the drag part is replaced, so ye 😃

Silex and Ravie have the same mental disfunction


why should i be polite to you?

i think this is the wrong channel to discuss that 😃

you made a cheap fake (i talk about old version) and tried to rls it as yours xd why, why should i be polite to you

nvm it get's boring

nightstar serie was before your maps, was also a oldschool map without tele

the map had the same reaction than yours, 2 weeks of full servers and then? just a few teams r playing it


well... now give critism or w me private for your personal problems


yeah Li, my back in maps was only 2 weeks full XD sure



why r u here in this channel

why r u here in this world

there the child


can u ban him from this channel?

hes just annoying

no talk/critism/... about the map

most time you don't even react to any critism dude

what r u talking


it needed like 100 people to tell you it is a bit2 fake

thats what im talking

mate, did u got a brain or something near that?

your map is a poor attempt to copy one of godlike silex maps

just kill yourseldf


when 20 people r just bashing yo... of course you block everything

Silex is just a dumb child... nothing more or less

when he could decide i would never release a map, the quality of the map doesnt count

only reason why i'm not tester is because of the timewasting with people like you

poor jao

poor jao, true...

now, stfu and stop annoying me 😃

map is actually pretty bad now

don't know if we can rls like that

like yours ❤


like you ❤

so much similarities ❤

are you gay?


or why the hearts

there r no words for you xd

In fact stealing someone's other work is rude, Silex has to be a god mapper for you otherwise you wouldnt copy 1:1 his map roflmao!!!!!

chill guys

Well I don’t let them bash me... those r just random comments in my eyes, has nothing to do with the map on the current version, so whatever 🤷🏼♂️ there are many players who like this map, so I will not hear to my haters 😉

No matter what you do it will always be seen as a Silex map

And thats no personal hate, it's just an objective POV

Finished or is there something more coming?

It isn’t a silex map... wtf

Maybe before but not on this version...

But whatever I say here, I will talk to a wall because nobody is listening to me, well maybe some of you

If you like Silex's mapping style that much why not just coop with him and make a map together instead of just copying? Just a logical thinking mind is seeing that there are of course ideas by cendren & you but based on Silex in the end

How is it based on silex

compare this map with back in time 2

The structure looks just the same

I didn't look at the map , but it comes to a time where every maps has to be inspired by another one as every concepts already have been used

Like u can't say that Barren is inspired by Purple Panic

Barrem isnt even inspired of ot lmao

How has it any similarity to purple panic

use your brain


Drag parts



fucking idiot

only drag parts , no stupid fillers

Every 500ddmax has drag xd

ye but i took the most famous ddmax who cares about this


I dont see any problem in this map. Looks okay and kinda fun 4 me. Only structure seems inspired now. But that shouldnt be a problem

he got a point with that... actually 😂 I just map maps without Tele, like bumblebee or nightstar... so I copied nightstar because bumblebee was released before nightstar


isn't bumblebee by u ? XD



You can't steal your own work



U cant steal edgehooks aoe found them Lol


thats what i meant and now u say it fuck u lmfao 😭


"lmfao 😭 "

Wheres wrong?

should leave it up to
@Silexif he is fine with it or not



Wouldnt agree

😭 is commonly used to laugh digga

This guy makes me laugh so hard

but offtopic who cares

of course he wouldn’t agree xd

U stole the idea of solo part and just added laser



Right now i see only one problem

did you ask whether it would be fine to steal it?
The parts where u have to throw a guy up and laser him. Some guys will uroboros and fail lol


what is uroboros

idk this



Wtf gwendal 😂




I guess i intended the word uroboros very much at the beginning

what u mean with your question?

It's obvious that it's very similar to back in time 2 do you agree on this

Not anymore


Only structure similar lol

This version is a different map

Gameplay different


Wtf syltoox



danke bro

Why now back in the days? Didn’t we talk about back in time? - or you...

There isn't a big difference anyway



he also the guy who basically playing only bit maps all the time

nice new fact, its not like that i said 10 times that i like his maps?

😂 😂 😂

- design bug (fixed some corners)

nice map^^

other map was wrong

nice funvote "bit3 faker" ... 😉 how old r u?



*- newest version but I'm still working with Silex on it but u can test it :)
- laser deleted
- some parts are fixed/replaced*

- small changes

Besides that savalic seems incapable of accepting any critique, the map is okay. Just don't like the fact that the fillers in the first bit have no space to spec for more than 4 parts in a row. If two people play it there are edges and whatnot that are good, but not well designed for teams with more than two people. Parts somewhat similiar in the first bit, after the drag its nice. Besides that one hooktrough 1tile part, seems kinda off compared to the others. Ps Savalic: You said I didn't even test the map once, I've tested it about 2 days ago allready. But you didn't seem Interested in any kind of cirtique and just rq'ed the server. 😂

- again some changes after testing with Freezestyler

you didnt even brought one single critique on the server, dont blame me now for that... map is shit ..., designed for 2 tees but for bigger tees ..., (isnt critique for me)

Maybe you got my point wrong, It was more like. Space for only two tees and not balanced for bigger teams.

To say that the map is trash is my fault I agree with that tho, just don't like the parts till the first drag, they are just annoying to play in my oppinion

no i got it right, but u dont have to like it, right? ;) when u said "the map is shit, because when ddos is active you would fail"... how in the hell should i take you serious? xd (and u said exactly this on the server)

*again a release
- fixed some bugs
- few changes on some parts
- end is different now*

Uhm no, I didn't say the map is shit because when ddos is active its fail. I said that no space to stand on for several parts make parts annoying to play especially while ddnet is getting ddossed. It seems like you have major problems to understand some sentences. I gave good reasoning and you kept missunderstanding simple points. While telling me, I have no idea what I am talking about. But keep it up dude, seems like you really can't accept any kind of critique. self-confidence is good but you put yourself on some kind of throne with thinking everything you assume is correct. You missunderstood me, and don't say no. I just told you 4 times now, why I think the parts are not well designed for teams with more than two players and you keep thinking that I tried to say something diffrent. I think you don't take the whole concept of map testing serious enoug. Why should it be public if people try to tell you what they think its badly managed? Makes no sense since there is no offical map testing team anymore. I will stop this discussion now, I told you what I think makes the whole first bit till the drag annoying to play. Ignore it if you want, I don't mind. I am just trying to help people to make maps more enjoyable for some players. If you don't want the help I would also suggest to ask jao to make the testing private like some other maps were. Because you seem to not take other players that test your maps serious, why would you make testing public. There is no reason for that. Have a good night.


- replaced 2 parts

*again some fixes
- placed solo/unsolo at start in a other way
- changed the last part a bit*

I hope this is my last update now xd
Fixes: *- fixed some small things on parts to make them better
some parts have now more space to chill/wait
tight parts have also more space
fixed the last part, there where one little thing that annoyed me
fixed some design bugs
there shouldn't be parts in the map that are similar to any Silex (bit / bitd series or bits) parts
map got a good flow i think but im not sure if its brut 5 star or insane 1-2 star - propably in the mid (insane 1 star) i guess
hopefully you enjoy the map now*

New version after testing with triki 😃

Tested with Miasuke & Mizkibo (found a lot of bugs lel) Also fixed the screenshot of Jesus Christ

Upon a closer look at this map, there's no denying it's a Bit2 clone (down to details like freeze style, stoppers at spawn or the way finish room is placed). There are no particularly fresh or creative parts and there is nothing in this map that Bit2 doesn't do better. It literally is just a worse Bit2, that doesn't really bring anything new to the table. In conclusion I am against releasing it.

Well I get your point, but i think that a lot of player would like this map... It's a good map in my eyes and worth to be released :/ I asked Silex and he would be ok if the map would be released

It's not about Silex, I just don't think we need a worse version of another map released.

how is it worse

how is it better



@Raviei like it and i hope it will be rlsd :c

this map wants to be a team 0 map but doesn't really accomplish that. parts are too stretched out and faily and the map doesn't have a lot safe spots. team 0 maps live from going step by step and occasionally back and forth to rescue others. that doesn't work if players die when they fail or if going back is impossible/means wasting a good amount of time. also this map will always be in bit's shadow and therefore probably not perceived well by players. I doubt it would get much attention from anyone other than the mappers and their friends. you should keep making maps in your style rather than trying to copy someone else
