from where is this?

this map hurts to play

i think its his first map :/ (maybe he likes old maps or he like to map but he is beginner ) yes its hurts , but i find interesting idea while i play it i like this map more than alta iii . i think it could be releasable but it would take too much changes ... like every single part needed to remake (it's my opinion) Also i didn't play full map , maybe i only will like start and thats all

how is this part done?

also i can't why there is part :/

there are alot of fake parts or dont need to be used

and impossible like you showed , i am there but i can't do it to :/

This map was fully tested, all parts are passable. On some servers, it has been standing for more than 5 years, but it is not available on dnet, so I decided to try adding it. I. K. U at this point, you must hit the hammer through the floor.

show how then lmao

the parts are not tested

some deffinetly

It is necessary to place one in the freeze to the left of the opening, with a hook in the jump to pull out to the right wall.

on what servers? cant find it on heinrichs archive

you need to get them up , how ?

for example


and what about part that
@Levente036showed how to do it :/

Its also feeled very boring to do with super :/ how its boring to do with out :/

U at this point, you must hit the hook and hammer through the floor.

nevermind its not working

That's the wrong wall.

not sure if we want to release this. the motivation for releasing oldschool maps is usually to „archive“ them for nostalgia reasons, but this is already hosted elsewhere and not well known(?). it’s also not really interesting gameplay wise. opinions on this would be appreciated

I never played this or have seen this back in the days

Weird map

Kinda split on releasing this as it seems rather boring


see above