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nice i already found a big cheat

ah darn idk if its even faster but its cool

put dummy here from totele 8

then go up+left and jump into cfrm, then u can do a huge jump from tele 8 to the dummy and hook into finish

its 10x harder and likely slower but idk

i fixed that and another cheat

you can sg fly to finish after this and finish for both


nice map

Did your dummy shoot SG? Looks impossible

Yes sg

the door is in case youre to fast and get deep anyway

fixed most of the other bugs

map is rlly cool and fun at all. only dislike the kill random kill tiles in the shotgun part since theres no other one with kill. but just my opinion

i dont understand. do you mean its possible to hook through the blockers when youre really far in the tele?

yea. u dont have to be rlly far in tele. just a little bit. like 10% in tele is still enough to hook through the blocker

u should add another line of blockers under the tele

-i didnt know about this. used a unmarked tunezone hook_length 0 now. not really happy how i fixed it but this way the design stays mostly accurate to the gameplay. another line of hook block below that would have made the following hook weird. -i fixed the teamfinish cheat. -i agree that kill is out of place but i think any other tile would make it pretty easy to cheat with dummy and skip the parts before.
thx for test

yea agree with u everything else then kill makes no sense. but it doesnt rlly fit with the rest. but should be okay since the part is rlly unfaily and easy

unless qed cheats it with dummy anyway. then i will map something else there 😄

i was thinking its normal way


ah. ye i forgot that you can hook hook

sg up or sg right at the wall

i think normal way = down with sg?

bcs u can just jump up there

where i stand you should add a back teleporter

https://discordapp.com/channels/252358080522747904/879199737478258730/879437507673088062 u dont want to change that?


youre supposed to do a sg jump on the HT to the left and use that speed to get up.

i fixed the rest

ok but how it was, u dont even need a sg xd

what? how


just without the sg :D:D

there was no need for it


got some time to join ingame ?

a couple of fixes with sorah

some bogs

big chot

skips deep


idk what you meant in the first screenshot but i changed the startline design a bit

Probably because u should put the start line behind the tee

Add a turn off entities at the start

i think its ok if u dont want it

yeah i never do that. its not critical information

sry didnt explain this one last time

but theres no freeze block in there

troller. fixed it

$ready 3
