this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

where cut

Fly maps are so forgotten, some guys asked me for a cheaty sequel so here it is




nice, same design as the rest of ur maps

i didnt even know konsti made generic fly 1 o.O


wrong, only same design as first

did u even knew it exists xD

i was reminded when i saw coradaxs run but before that i pretty much forgot all about it 😄

coradax legend

seems like it was played for only a few weeks

fly maps arent popular in the major playerbase, they usually only get speedrunned

or points finished

maybe introduce new KoF mod


king fly cock? what

wtf no the chicken restaurant chain


i never ate there

i ate there once. pretty good ngl but its 20km away 😦

btw t0 allowed and spec on

add sg


i mean ppl will only be able to chot this if it doesnt get declined

$ready 3

omgg hype !!!

a: buse

ddnet mafia


i used new ht

cuz otherwise jao would bring up force like in GetSpeed 3

big mafia

old ht sucks so much

every map on test comes up with shitty 1mb files and here i am with 90kb

how long does it take to upload on test lol

old ht good for chot

2 weeks

some small designbugs fixed, thx to ano


Trollsti map


remove all envelopes - unused

small difference between hookthrough and unhookable blocks

thx, done

best rat

1.i think that he knows how to skip all map by going to tele+spike

(would delete it to be sure you can't)
- there are parts that you can skip by doing some skill moves , some part's look confusing seeing skill parts ...

omg what? there are skips in the map???????

im gald u told us this secret

there is at start tele to finish

no shit

like im going to build skips in my own map

I mean the skill skips are intended

And u cant reach finish practially from this tele

u can

with enough tees

I can make it more impossible

put an actual secret room

instead of at finish

like a box above spawn or w/e

i dont rlly think its worth to change xd. u have to get like 40 ppl and everyone have to do a random jump between 2 blocks. no one will ever do this since this map is not that hard to finish without this skip

yes and there are easier skips too

but also u can get to that "secret tele" just by failing near the end so i mean its not that secret

well true. its konstis choice i guess

u got startline anyway

but i changed it

randomized the blocks xd

just tested the map with murpi, really cool map as genericfly 1 is

really nice map with fun gameplay and speedrun friendly layout

rls when




a bit longer and you can post this on oldschool as well

Where For Iparano & Genex???????

Testing teams is agree for decline this map. This is just a succession of stronghold noobfilter and aled without the ground and t0 style but not working. First one was ok for his time, but now this kind of map is outdated


