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i think parts are oversimple

time cps + smol fixes


i would add cps and teleport so you can try more often -> on other parts which are more easy you added this too

I did not watch out for wrong block/design its just gameplay thing

But personal I do not like the design 😐

The gameplay is fun and I really liked the map


And first part feels not so smooth like all other parts but imo its ok but didnt rly liked it

you wrote its 1 chance, its not

fixed last part, added more teles + small changes

i found the first part too boring, so i completely changed it

32kb map is crazy

micro fix


more changes


teleport and hookthrough look almost exactly the same (might be just my monitor)


this is true

the whole map is too fucking faily

the ideas are nice, but this is a 2p map

everything cant be that faily

besides some parts are weird mapped

idk if is worth to release this map

is it?

proof when

the proofs are when you test the map without using super

and also by just looking or playing

And as i said, there are too many big/short solos

Grim reaper cool map

in general, the parts are okay, the fillers are boring and uninteresting

In general the map should be less punishing in various aspects. Just because there are more deaths doesn't necessarily make it better. 'New Generation' is one of the best 2p maps and it has the right amount of deaths. The parts can be repeated comfortably. You should take that map as an example to improve this one. Create more space between parts and also enhance the structure of some, as they can become uncomfortable.

ill wait for more opinons about this map

in the mid time ill put it on waiting


i respect that screenshot

(i think he means that a 2 insane has way lower finishes that 5 ones)

a map cannot be too faily if it was submitted by a tester