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today video recomndet speedrun on starkiller map

why i am not suprised

another shit one tbh

not as faily as other starkiller maps

i like this map :O

im just happy its better than 99% of your maps corneum

at least...everything is better than your maps

good map release

if u are to noob to play on hard maps just shut up


i dont like the map, its way too faily, almost whole map is about faily jump timing moves(im talking not about deep freeze jumps) which u will need to train million years on test server before u will wanna finish this. u can say that all 5 star dummy need to be tested before u make finish, but u basically training some few spots, here its almost whole map which u need to train on test server before u will wanna finish it

lets wait for more opinions

hm okay. for me its obvious how parts work. but im the mapper so... xd maybe id go to make this map less faily with tele. but dont know its worth to do it or not

tell me if u think it would imrpove the whole map or not (this wont mean ill make it 1000% unfaily. ill keep it in a 3-4* range)

i dont think it worth from what i remember, i see the point of this map now is challenging urself to finish, with teleports it gonna be just not really creative drags which u can retry a lot of times (most of them), but i cant say for sure now, need to replay map again and think about how it gonna be with tele

yes. ive take a look and think about tele in parts. there are only 2-3 places which tele makes sense

but make the faliest parts unfaily would make the map much easier i guess

Its almost 1.5 months, are u still planning to take look about it? in my and other testers opinion it still not gonna be worth to release after u rebalance some parts to be unfaily so i would decline it before u end up spending ur time on rework

at least idc xd decline it if u want
