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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uG1R7-h8H4 playthrough

1:39 how should i know that i have to go in there

look like normal tele

i mean there is no other way to go but i can add info i guess

amazing map ! cool ideas , many parts ! love it ! can't wait to play it !

me too ! looks nice ! rly ! 😮 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

added info for that part coke mentioned

$ready 5

some 2 little design fixes

it even works without extra speed

apart from that, awesome map

fixed everything tux mentioned and thx for testing

it works without the jump if u r careful that ur dummy doesnt drag u down but i guess i can add a block

idk, I failed there 1000 times xd

then u will lose nade dont you?

right, it should be laser grenade shields

so you can try over and over with nice flow

im pretty sure thats impossible cause ive tried but i can test it again

I didn't do it too, but looks possible to me

alright, thx for test


i have something too, just a small design "problem" at the Start. I have the problem that the starting line is a bit to "open" , Jumped in couple of time instead of draging my dummy in, maybe its just me?


well i think its alright like this actually because u can straight up throw ur dummy through there and hook him under the block to get a faster start so i dont think the starting design is that big of a problem

fixed everything
@Lady Saavikmentioned

ah im stupid thanks xd

I tried the skip from Lady Saavik and after ur fix of changing the height to be only 3 blocks its definitely not possible.
But as u can see in the picture its maybe possible, even on the 3 Space one, to cheat the part by hooking the dummy (like in the pic). Get speed, jump over, rehook in air, unfreeze and catch. I DONT THINK that its really possible but if u just add a tele more or something its 100% not doable this way.

i think its already impossible enough to cheat it so i will leave it like this ;D

Sure thing i nearly got it one time but failed the catch, took me like 10-15min of trying, faster to do it the normal way.


sick map

-marked stoppers that touch differently -reworked cp22 thx to ravie


fixed one shield

$ready 3

made a little improvement

$ready 3