this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

hammer run btw

if to tiles where there someone might teleport in front of someone who is playing the part and block him

if someone falls down there on accident so they can go in tele to go back to the part

idk how you make the recording so u dont have to download it

i know how to pass, what i want to say is if the novice player really dont know how to pass this they will fail and cant save, but you fixed now so its ok

added unfreeze tiles on a platform at jetpack part


1.- close that to force to do the part as it should be

can i complain about the background color hurt my eyes so much when i try to play the map?

dont get me wrong by saying that the map is that bad, it actually have some nice parts, but the amount of weird/bad mapped things exceed the good things, some parts is just walk

i mean similar to this

but easier...

besides that should be done in a different way and do it as a solo part due the blocking

as i said you have nice parts but some others are trash so this could take u a lot of time fixing it, therefore try to improve it as good as u can

cut the half of the whole map size, just make it big enough not extremely big as it is rn

also try to improve the design, its quite ugly

i didnt do everything you said

only background ?

extra space never hurt anyone

the bigger the better



U wrong

so you want me to change the background and the blocks ?


im not doing all that

background is now dark green and empty


Sad that u dont want to improve your map

i dont want to change the way it looks not the gameplay

i think he just need some example on what to improve, when im new to mapping im also dont think i need to change because dont know what to change

ur saying to improve the looks not the gameplay

im not gonna remake the entire map with different looks

Focus on gameplay i gave u a long list of what u should do

The design do it later

down what 2 or 3 tiles ? u marked the entire thing

what do you mean by "bad placed" ?

how do i good place it ?


more fast to resetup everything if fail

and consider use cp tele otherwise other will just jump down to skip

i dont know why you want me to shrink my map so much

big map is ok but overbig is just let most of the playing experience become walking simulator (assuming they know what to do )

theres some walking but i dont think its that big

tommorow i send new version

426,82 kb just for the bg xd

i didnt saw any improvements gameplay wise


this map isnt good enough

i think you should decline it


is not*

I decline this map because it's not releasable. There are big problems of design, parts and map's structure It's better to start a new one

