this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


Delo is back

no need more then 1 to tele in solo parts

and u can set it on the ground

no need hd for tile design

Gonna fix the stuff when you are ready with the review 🙂 Thanks in advance!

I also changed some things according to the post of Jao in the Forum: (https://forum.ddnet.tw/viewtopic.php?f=92&t=5995&start=20)
- Made the parts easier and less faily
- Deleted unnecessary entity off signs
- Changed the solo parts in between a bit (you can still die though)
Parts are still nothing special I think. I made the map mainly because of the graphics and small "story"

Just fly 4 when

I think im too rusty for those new maps. As i saw there are new and better mappers out there 🙂

how old is this map?

It's 2 years old, made it in 2018 lul

sorry but design top, gameplay flop

Thats why I wrote that the parts are nothing special


give feedback on the map or stay away from testing, these unnecessary comments are useless

cool design, gameplay is lacking tho so not releasable unless you make the gameplay more creative

Seems like parts didn’t changed lul

Like I wrote above: I made changes according to the testing of hi_leute_gll and jao back in 2018 and posted here just for completion of the process. I had a small chat with coke and realised that most of the players doesn't even play with entities off. Therefore this maps doesn't make much sense as most of the map depends on graphics and story and not on insane new gameplay mechanics (like you already stated - coke and louis). I'm fine with every choice coke makes and can already see that it leads to a rejection as other maps with bad gameplay got declined as well. As I'm not really into Teeworlds anymore this will be my last map and you won't see any more submissions of mine in the future. I wish you all the best!

I really like the map. Its the good old Delo Style with simple parts, mostly unhook and freeze but moderate difficulty. His maps were never like super creative. Lots of players liked for example the Lost Story maps very much anyway. So i dont see the reason to decline it due "lack of fresh parts" I really hope its been released and im pretty sure people will have a lot fun in it. And also newer people will love the design i think. Only one thing for me, please change something to the noobfilter, its annoyingly long and especially on the last thing people will fail again and again. So make it shorter at all or make the last jump before end easier

i think we cant rls this, when we rls this map .. some more nobos come out with trashy maps and want a rls

Its not a trashmap lmao. It has a flow and is actually good, just a special mapkind. Not to compare with really trashy maps

u dont get me

i like the design

but the parts way too simple

and i dont call it trashmap

but delo know what i mean, already talked to him

thats why we declined purplepanic5 , dont rly fit to the todays standards

if the mapper wouldn't be Delo you wouldn't say it's a good map

no they arent way too simple. Purple Panic is indeed a trashmap. It was always and pp5 was also trash because it has no single good thing in it except boring dragparts.
This map here is totally different. If u call the parts way too simple, why is Stronghold released and why do people play it every day, so its one of the most finished brutal maps? Floating Islands is just easier but why shouldnt we apply that simple map kind for the newer base of Players? It has a reason, that a lot of players like simple maps where u dont need brain for every part and just play without thinking. This isnt just randomly mapped. If u go for releasing only "Creative" maps u gonna have lots of shitty 2p force maps with 30 finishes in 1 year

not true because i dont know Delo really, just some map from him

I agree you want "creative" maps but they are too creative and nobody plays them

we are not kog, you don't need 500x the same map like stronghold, of course you can map a hh map but it should always be a little different from each other. many of the last attempts to map a hh map were rejected because simply too much was copied or too similar..the same goes for other types of maps, there should already be some creativity, if everyone just mapps such uncreative simple parts together you also do not develop further, there are enough novice maps where you can learn, this does not need to be continued on moderate

i like delo and his old maps, but if you allow something like this, you should allow other maps like this in the future, and this would be stupid

creative isn’t equal to brainfuck maps

Just original parts

creative = original parts

when did I say that

You didn’t

I’m agreeing with you
This map is nothing similiar to any other shitty simple map on DDNet and its not even slightly true that u would have to accept any shit map in the future because you release a good map like that, you make no sense

This map will be a very popular moderate map as long as he changes something to the noobfilter. Why would ur very bad taste of maps be more important than the major Community one?

I don't think so

It's running around with simple drag parts

Every mapping beginner is able to map this kind of parts.

I have seen this kind of parts in many 'first' maps already

All of these got a decline

Maybe I would release it sooner if I included personal opinion, as I have known and appreciated delo for a long time, but personal opinion has little place here.

First mappers map unplayable trash, this map Isnt

no, a lot of these parts are rly tight and a little basic, i wouldnt mind releasing if the parts were revamped so they were more open, more t0 friendly, and a little less basic. not sure if the mapper wants to put in that effort. i like the design tho

I looked at the map and it doesnt look suited for 64p

A rework is nearly impossible in my opinion

No map needs to be suitable for 64 players

I like the idea but imo a bit too faily and basic, in an adventure map u should rather have a chill experience and I'm sure it's possible to make slightly more interesting parts too


great noobfilter

old map xd

pls i want rls