
sv_solo_server 1


fixed bug with switch 27 that couldnt be deactivated

I thought this was a meme at first

Im announcing this for 3 years already

touching start automatically isn't good

Being able to not touch the start is even worse xD

just put spawn below start and make start a loop

fixered 2 big skips thx to
@Ravieand some small things and a faily grabber thx to

Everyone who is testing this map should be aware of this map is based on switches and grabbers with floating point parts. If u used super on some places it might stop switches working which u had to activate before. Also people that run around with super and hitting switches influence your gameplay even if u played legit. Its all in all tested and would work without people using super. Just for u know if parts Didnt work for you

Still 10 secs map?


fixed lots of smaller things and added some unfreezes. also fixed a thing where u might fail if u jump wrong

nice map, makes fun to play, but it really is hard to find the way if u dont know where to go but when u know its really fun :D should be 3-4* all bugs i found did
@ᶰ°Konͧstifix instantly, maybe there can be something that is cheatable so more ppl should test this

GetSpeed 2 was already 3 which is way shorter and not that complicated, im definitely going for 4

only some minor fixes thx to testers



what did u chance
change lel

i knew about cheat but waited to figure out how to fix the best way, so neither 16 second finish nor 1 second finish via startlineskip possible now

still have to test one thing

he had to fix map because WAF is biggest pro

stop cheat

kick him

cheats only exist cuz finishline at start


make finishline up in sky O:

use new hookthru tiles not old ones plz

i dont use new ht

you need to use new ht actually


There is no rule for this. Also it is a thing of mapping style and since the behaviour is different it should be to the mapper Which he want to use

the old one is depreciated since the new one is better

I prefer the behaviour of the old one

but you cant use it

Are u going to make a new mapper rule just for me

old one has worse behavior how tf do u prefer it

if ur too stuborn yes

I dont have new ht in my client i cant use it and cant see it

jao loves using power

tbf the old ht has some really bad behaviour

bruh old ht looks ass in entities also works like shit

can you make hookthroughs that only work with angle using new hookthrough

do u need it in this map


also u can still make one-way new hookthrus

Im on DDNet 9

does new hookthrough work with ddnet 9 clients

Nee ht doesnt exist

stop using ddnet 9

make ddnet 13 for android then u can ban new hookthrough :)

I cant even see new HT


u can on new ddnet

or just replace entity file


DDNet 10+ is bad

It doesnt work with replacing file lmao

Its a complete new tile

you can actually still map it if you are that desperate :p

click on the "Unused" button at the top

yea it should still work

and simple map the tile from the position where the new ht would be


but he doesnt want to use it o:

even if he can

why would u use the old ones

why does he?

they're literally just a worse version of the new ones

also he's being kinda selfish by saying "but i wanna use old ones" while literally everyone else prefers new ones

what is selfish here


and if u are unable to place them in the map just ask someone else

unused button isnt on ddnet 9 lmao

point is that the new hookthrough works like the old one should have

he likes old ones more

old ones are still in the client so why shouldnt u be able to use them o:


because they are buggy


just cause they're in client doesn't mean u should use them

delete them and then don't tell mapper what he should do with ht

backwards compatibility doesnt allow that

the only reason they still exist is because a lot of old maps use them and it will be hard to update

cause he won't have any other way for ht

u cant update the ht for existing maps xD

yeah but u can just map it correctly in the first place

I do map them correctly

inb4 ddnet makes new freeze tile where frozen tees cant fire if hit because thats a bug

I cant get why people like the new, its super ugly and not buggy

new is not ugly

old is ugly

wtf lol this map doesn't even use any old ht bugs

who cares>


new is ugly

uses same design as nohook tile

konsti decided using old ht

u can't change it

when release btw?

till ddnet delete them

not if u have custom entities lol

also old is uglier cause it takes up more space

old ones arent even on the actual hookthru tile they're next to them

using old ht on this map is basically map bug and should be fixed

equivalent to entity bugs

Louis wasnt even playing before DDNet 10

His opinion doesnt count

Since its ddnets fault that i cant play with DDNet 10+ i shouldnt be forced to use a tile i cant even see

louis is zoomer

u want me to fix it for u?

wants everything removed

like dyn cam

how do u even play new maps if u cant see new ht tiles

have to turn off entities :(

and view the ugly design of maps

they should ban all new maps that dont use entities as default design


default entities have ugly ugly switches and doors

also i wonder what the % is of players that only use entities




i knwo someone who plays without entities stop spreading fake news

i want to be able to play my own map without being Prediction lagged


i wonder if playing with entities even helps u play the map better or if its just a habit ppl have

Why r u even complaining, there is one part with old ht and its just a swing

just download ddnet 10



just delete other design from the game and let entities replace all

DDNet 10+ bad

Before i use new ht ill delete the ht

design sucks because everyone uses different designs

unless ur playing something like aim map

replace blocks with freeze

aim map design sux

why ddnet 10+ bad

you need to re learn mouse

it doesnt suck u nobo

no u

u can actually see what the tiles are

use off topic

yeah cuz the only tiles are freeze, tele, hook, unhook, and ht



yeah at the end of the day idc new ht or old ht if its only for like 2 parts but it looks ugly as shit and idk why ppl dont just get the new ddnet version and use the new tiles which devs implemented on purpose

also aim maps are too dark imo

then remove it

and stop your hypocrisy, when you wanted us to enforce the no unnecessary teamforce rule u didnt care about what the mapper wanted either

no unnecessary teamforce was a rule before me already and it also makes sense because it actually influence gameplay. Old HT if used correctly doesnt do that because every DDNet player can see it

with that logic we shouldnt allow using any new tiles

you should be allowed to use any enitity that you want

except walljumps

they are buggy and gay

also bullets

fuck bullet maps

no. you should allow people to use new tiles. But not force people to use new tiles...

Walljump will never take place in a map by me xD

well i wont argue since ur being hypocritical anyways

either change it or remove it

removed all hookthroughs

even if he is hypocritical thats no argument. If i say to u dont go outside cause it help ppls but i go outside, it stil lhelps ppl cause u dont go outside o:


its just n oargument to say someone is hypocritical

i released 2 maps with old ht when new ht already existed, imagine that

why is it not an argument

do u want me to waste my time?

No but u cant say he cant use this entities cause hes hypocritical lel. So if hes not he can use them?

i think we should stop that discussion. my opinion to it is clear and i think it should be allowed to stick to old tiles only but its removed now and its done with it

next map, next discussion

ill use blue teles there

make map with sv_old_teleport_weapons and sv_old_teleport_hook

it’s pointless to discuss with someone whos hypocritical

im not even

why is it pointless?

jao talking about himself

stop discussing in my map topic

small minor fix. Id say it is ready now

finished map 3 times now, cant find any more bugs o:

biggest Ravie

New ht: easier to map, cleaner in entities Old ht: messy in entities, same in gameplay as new ht

end of discussion

not using any ht = win

so this is my final version then, i just added arrows at beginning

should be ready if u didtn put any troll teleporter in which give u finish in 2sec. Maybe u can look if u find any cheats

he would never do that

actually i wont build cheats in my own maps on purpose

the problem here is the definition of "cheat"

GetSpeed 1 was cheatable cuz 3 different server bugs i didnt knew about and GetSpeed 2 was because im dumb xD

stop being dumb then maybe

i wanna make ppl play my map not finish in 2 seconds

some small things again from ravie darkoort and qwync

reason? o:

ravie convinced me to change startline so u dont automatically touch start anymore. so u can better load savegames or watch the map without accidently have 5h time

changed the unfreeze...

2 more legit fulltests were made and i followed the small suggestions

release when? Wanna play

im going to fix some very small design things Qywinc showed me. Gameplay and bugs are done

improved small design things according to Qywink. For me its ready

Fulltest made by DarkOort 🐨 Made stuff HD and small things

If u didnt change gameplay, only design its still rdy imo o:

reverted one change according to darkoort

Darkoort suggested to avoid 2 sec freeze time at a part for every time, so i changed

$ready 4

anyone who says 3 is a big troll cuz its way too long, too hard and too brainy for 3


this is 2*

Its 4*


what issues are there in those screens?

How are things that u can barely see with a microscope worth a reset

Not even ravie sees it

you legit have to click the image to see it

well I see freeze corners on unhooks, but that's not all that important

He means the grey shit at the unfreeze

zooz bad

is that even visible with the default renderer

as noby would say

you can see it if you have 100k hd monitor

well give me a sec, I bet I can fix the tileset

the tileset is buggy, because the right tile from grass main always has this

u have to take another and turn it around

But who tf cares and how is it worth reseting

oh wait that's grass_main nevermind then

did you use any rotated unfreeze corners?

if not then I can just replace that tile with an automapper

I used them sometimes

The tile 77 is bughy

yeah I can replace it with mirrored 76

I have to replace all 77

u can do this automatically? :O

yeah I already wrote it lol

pls do, upload and ready

Release map

$ready 4


when getspeed 4

just play GetSpeed 2 twice



Doubt ill make getspeed 4 but actually i have an idea for a finish Where u started part so maybe

when will we get getspeed 1.5

Nah ill rather make GetSlow

go so fast u become slower

whats the point, if you get too much speed you will start slowing down

u will be too fast to reach finish, so u have to play whole map to be slow enough

the speed to get slower needs a lot of place/blue tele without wall behind

how about teleporting a million grenades so you get hit by all of them

rls tomorrow


Give it

Im hyped

Yes please

Is it a problem?


same marking for 2 different things

Hm ok ill fix it there and on an other place later


fixed and replaced it with brown arrow

found some other places with speedup signs that werent speeders^^

rls soon fix faaaast

its fixed

Release now

90 min

map doesnt work

Wow thats nearly impossible

How is it a bug

u didnt switched off the freeze

I mean the corner

never seen something like that xd

I followed qywincs suggestion there

finish when