this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

if you dont want other get out from left

this whole stopper is a bad idea for t0

and you need to do something about the map size

1sun 1mb


it is ok

and one left one right skip is also ok


change the background

fix some parts

detail" Yes"

hold shift and mouse 1 hold on the red dot then drag down for every background on this, i think you accidently drag up a bit

fix the smthing wrong




change some parts

2x to tele, 1 from the ground

imo the map turned into a moderate 1

for me novice5 is fully ok because its not hard to pass for a newbie, there is no "hard skill" need to learn for passing this map, not even need to hammerthrow

or maybe im wrong (drag map only hook+A+D+space+hammer)

alpha 150

I meant the stoppers it should have the black bg

grey stopper is with freeze, black is nonfreeze, no prob here

his current solution for different stopper

how that can be a problem

File size

i see

it will shrink after opti isnt?

its better to do it by urself (also for next maps)


could opti the map when it is no problem

But keep in mind

I'll do it when it's right b4 rls



$ready 5


"ddnet_tiles" will be unused then, you could delete it and make the map size smaller

removed "ddnet_tiles" and used "ddnet_tiles3"

adjust toteles' position

last 2 are not bugs but you have gras/bushes on unhooks where you normaly dont have that anywhere else so maybe you wanna change that too

$ready 5
