nice map

you can skip cp 4 and 5 by getting nade and going back to cp 2

ok 👍

good map

com boii

any opinions on the rating?

unsure if it’s 2 or 3*

closer to 3 i think

$ready 3

I tried and it seemed impossible for me/ very difficult. Did you actually manage to do it?

if it's really difficult to pull off, I would keep it in as a shortcut for the speedrunners

its not that harder than original way

tbh this way even easier than original for me

u can keep it ofc but i would change that cause it rly ez to do imo

are you on the test server, do you mind showing me?

is that with shotgun?


I'd probably add something like this to make the cut even more difficult as you shouldn't have enough speed to reach the unfreeze

makes the original way a bit more unforgiving as well but it doesn't change the intended route

might be ez with double shotgun and corner shotgun

if someone still manages to cut this, I think they deserve it

It isn’t even a skip dumbass kicker, u have to do double sg and it looks even better than original way

i wouldnt do this change if it makes the intended way harder

какой дабл сг, там 2 шота делается тварь

я про это

и как это было

иди спать ,чертила, мапу не порть

ты хули не спишь

я проснулся только что

мы с вендетом на горесе ждем и фермером

Не понял

Почему с телефона видосы не видно, я думал я гений

sure, I dont mind either way.

i love combo maps 😄