this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


why do i see an sql logo

furry porn database map

The second part will be very painful without solo part

I can add a solo rn, but then again, is it going to be a _rework or is it still an old school map? π

No it's just to make the part work in t0

BTW it's hella hard

I hope I didn't miss anything

There are too many things to fix to hope for a rework


It would be nice if the reasons were given, I'm ready to fix at least this map, because it's not so bad.

I don't have to give the reasons for an oldschool map

There are too many reasons to list them all

It's just bad

I know Imperius overloaded the submit channek a bit with his spam

. But as his friend I can tell you that he really loves oldschool maps and he really spent a lot of time selecting these maps and getting them in proper condition for the test. He's been doing it all spring and continues to do it now. I know you always say that we have no shortage of maps, but maybe you could consider lowering these maps in the test priority instead of declining them without explanation? Test and release new maps first, and test the maps suggested by Imperius last, because there's no reason to rush. Especially since he will gladly fix all the remarks, even if there are many, in the hope of playing these maps together with friends as he once did long ago. Isn't that why the old maps are put in the separate category - to turn a blind eye to some flaws and enjoy the oldschool gameplay?

decline all the maps I uploaded for testing, don't waste your precious time as I did preparing each map for testing, hoping to play with friends and remember the old days.
I won't deny, I knew some maps would be declined, but it just burns my ass at the sight of the words "I don't have to give the reasons for an oldschool map"
"There are too many reasons to list them all", how can you not value other people's time so lightly, spitting out phrases like this and not giving any reasons.
I see that you are one of the few productive testers, but also lazy, because you want to quickly solve the problem with a huge list of maps on testing.
Maybe they are bad visually and there are things that should be corrected, but for the most part they are all beautiful.
For example "Proskills" from Waschlappen which is already $ready or mo_factory or some eaglerace maps or first versions of hardcore maps etc.
Visually they are bad, but they have the charm and spirit of the old school, I do not understand your logic of testing at all.
Often you pay attention to the visual component (my opinion) and less often to the gameplay itself, while the whole buzz is in the gameplay.
It seems to me that
is the best tester and deserves testleading more than you, although he probably doesnβt need it, because playing the game for so long like him, itβs hard to find motivation for this. But he is one of the few players who sees beauty in old maps.
I know that you are far from being a "fresh" player, but you seem to have no love for old school maps at all. If i'm wrong, let us to know what is the reason for declined so easealy.
And lastly, I love ddnet, and I'm trying to bring in a bit of something precious and old, but you are totally against it, otherwise how to explain such a frivolous attitude to my simple request to provide at least a couple of reasons for decline.. Let it be better that maps are never released or released, but very rarely, but I will be very happy if this happens not through your vision of the beautiful and not through your filter which one not have a logic in total.
Just burned out from such frivolity, sorry, emotions
I'm done, cya.

I love oldschool maps too and I'm clearly not rushing them. I prioritized them because they are easy to fix (can do it myself or others can too) and to decline to cleance "map testing" from low quality maps. Today, we have 6 releasable maps and 6 declined maps which is pretty fair for oldschool. I know he would fix them but the ones that got declined are too far from good to be "fixed". Why would I need to justify myself and give an explanation when it's an oldschool map and that the mapper isn't around ? The oldschool maps are separated from the rest because they are from before DDNet. There are less expectations but that doesn't mean there are none. We have some terrible oldschool maps on DDNet, that doesn't mean we have to keep accepting them. We don't need to release all of them. Some maps are timeless, those aren't

"but you seem to have no love for old school maps at all"π π π

I will only decline those that aren't worth a release because there is too much to fix, so yes, I value your time no matter how "precious" it can be. Calling me lazy is not knowing me and judging me lightly. You talk about visuals as the focal point in my testing which is untrue, especially for oldschool maps. The gameplay has always been the core of my testing. Why would I test the design if the gameplay is too bad ? Why would I ask mappers and testers to fix maps (the design) that are doomed to be declined ? I believe you say so because I'm one of the few testers who tests the design. I only ask for a change on oldschool maps' design when they are painful to watch or hard to play with. Once again, saying that I have no love for old maps proves you know nothing of me. I spend most of my time on DDNet on oldschool maps, or afk (or both). I understand your wish to play those maps again, but it's mostly nostalgia and the maps are still, objectively bad