this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

um, can you help me with this error? I also need to add the timecp

-fix error -timecp

planet 9 on steroids

shit post

where preview

ate it

im stupid or what, how to do first part?

Drop from ^ and hook below.

Exactly like that.


when i saw it first time i thought it smth interesting, but its just drop( imagine flying for 30 seconds just to try it once.

how many people the map is designed for.

First of all, your map is very unbalanced.

It took me a while to figure out how to make this part, but it turned out to be much easier

i wanna talk about idea and potential. Ur bru/insane parts is unic but other no. so keep high difficulty is better. I think best way to do this map release is remove stuff like 1,2,3 add new parts. and then work with design when gameplay will finished. ||design can be way better||

and ye avoid plz stuff like this where you have to set it up about 30 seconds to try the part

I think u are sad to hear this but its is 100% decline for me on the current statement. decline not meaning its over for ur map, its just mean u need to do alot of work. gl with ur map, if u have questions u can ask me on dm or in

Planet 9 have the same problems ahahah, tester said "it doesn't matter if it's boring or repetitive" " void parts are fine"

Maybe we should rls

300 tile aled

wtf is that

fat starkiller-hold

mf still mad about the 4-8 seconds of hookable parts

Wow you probably did test the map to see only that hookable

good map rls

in first part 2p way is both down, but swing is a lot more awkward than t0 way

t0 maps are hard to play 2p, but this is the only part that is exceedingly punishing in duo, meanwhile its free in t0

gobrox thinks it will be good map if u cut 80% of filler, idk u can do what u want

creative parts

ok swing is a little awkward but u can forget the part where i say to make it hookable, i realize that both down is faster + safer in 2p


I took a look on the map. Firstly i want to say that this map has some really creative ideas and if you keep up mapping, you can become a really good mapper (i assume this is your first map). I also like the unique design of this map (maybe the colors can be improved). Sadly this map doesn't meet the current gameplay standards, so i will decline it. These are the issues i found:
- As others already mentioned, this map would be a lot better, if you cut the fillers. Currently some parts of the map are highly focussed on 2 player gameplay while others are focussed on t0 gameplay, which leads to an uncomfortable gameplay. Since i like your ideas, i think it would be best to turn this into a 2 player map. Currently there are somewhat big t0 skips.
- Some parts have quite a long time for the setup, i will give examples in the screenshots.
- Some fillers are repetitive, you could add some variation to some sections (this is a general thing, because i suggested to remove the fillers).
- Everything is too big, sometimes you have to zoom out/spec a lot to see whats going on. The death tiles or permadeath freeze pits are quite random if you don't scan the parts before entering them (it usually ruins the game flow if you have to spec too much).

I forgot to mention that the first part can be annoying in t0, because some players might block (so maybe you should change the order of the parts). I also advice you to remove the noob filter for faster resets on the first part, which is a first try or die part. The skips/cheats are mentioned are not decline reasons (they are fixable).

Your map submission has been declined.

Can i copy past ur message on planet 9?

I'm 100% sure if you let him fix he will do better than silex

This channel is about giving feedback to the mapper, please let's focus on that.
@rondoudou3082if you have any questions about the decline or mapping, just ask 🙂

tower from wall is easer

I see potential in this map despite the fact I don't like HH maps xD. The map turned out to be a troll/joke map but don't have to go to trash. In my opinion it looks like connection of
@coke1465mapping style. Thats why Silex and Coke please take a look at this map and please share what would you change in it if it would be one of your maps. You can go harsh on it but please take a fast look how would change things in it ^^

would you even?



Above was written after we had a talk ingame. So yeah he or Welf might do it xD

uhm, nope

i will teach vena how to do good maps 🫡

i wont add push sg so i don't need your help

i would never do a t0 map with push shotgun

aw man...

I prefer a decline from a tester with not even one map

wdym, this is venas 2nd map

there is not only one person lol

ik his insane map, i already have shown skips

shh, don't spoil