this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules



idk what the fuck ur doing but if u keep spamming testing channels with ur "no"s ur gonna get banned real quick

thanks for upload^^



fixed balken looked bat at 1 spot

First of all map looks fine, but imo its kinda strange mapped. There are creative parts but somehow it also feels strange to play


In my opinion the map is really short and not that faily

So i woudnt say its insane

parts are not THAT hard too

Here are some screens i noticed:

If this is the right way the part feels not smooth at all. I would map it, so you can do all in "1 move" and not stop in the middle of the part and do strange edgehook

Thats all for now.

Big thanks for Testing First ill Talk to json and then we Decide But what i can say is

1.Why you think its Not smooth cuz off the ending? 2.well ye you can fail easily will See what to change 3.well Its the Right way you dont have to stop you can stop if you want 4.ill Talk to JSON he die Switch Marking xd 5.well i think you can See if there is freeze or Not But mb we change 6.hmm okay we will look 7.no Not just Design But i think you can do ist without you have to hook to get faster to the left 8.Its an easy Part just think a Bit 9.you lose your rocket 😄

I think the first part is strange for the first part

Imo its not a smooth beginning you like to start with
@Qywincits smooth so i wouldnt change that

- You can cheat it from part before?

both can have rocket

1 lose 1 not

@Qywincpart is kinda strange mapped you can easy fail here, I think there is a better way to implement the part
why is it strange mapped? there is one way to do the part and that is faily ofc. u just time your dj and thats all.not too hard

its just a dumb fail if you fail



can get mapped way better

its ok, yes but it could be better

if you fail a hammerhit its annoying dumb fail as well

can it be mapped better to not fail dumb again?

imo thats not right

Imo there is a difference if you fail a hh or fail a part because it bad mapped

or rather strange mapped

not bad

sorry for that

so tell me why is it strange?

its the dj u can onlyfail


the first part is cheatable with dummy copy, a problem?

map not dummyable i think

and is no problem

you can fail even if you hit dj

yes ofc

so you should be punished if you miss dj

u can fail hammerhit if u dont hit the hammer

thats the real part

and not just rdm because switches are strange

i dont know what u r trying to say

Just add smth or make the part so you cant fail because of the switches


make the part a moderate part

If you are between switches its fail, imo dumb fail

it shows 4 and 2 seconds

If a part is just hard because its faily its not a good part imo you can leave it like it is its just my opinion

its meant to be fail if you arent fast enough

thats the purpose

bcs its not an hard part

it doesnt make the part harder

its just if u fail easy thing u r dead

i wonder who abcabc is :thonk:

mapper of the map

sorry, i think you got a wrong view about this

For me its just there to make the part annoying


i dunno

the part isnt too hard and anyone could do it

if u fail it its deserved

but you have almost everywhere tele so you cant fail

dont fit into map imo

just rdm stupid fail

ye let me make an edgepart faily

where u do3 edges

thats a difference bro

like I said

just my opinion

sorry but thats like you say, lets make an edgehook part unfaily bcs its stupid if u miss

its the mapperschoice imo

also its at start

not far into map

yes i appreciate but i think that shouldnt be changed

did I say once you HAVE to change it? I dont know why you still writing wtf


i said ot shouldnt be changed

its ur misunderstanding

why do u think the 1st part isnt smooth

Didnt said that.

I write its a strange part to do first.


smooth beginning

its not a smooth beginning


so it isnt smooth

i ask u, why

i didnt write the part is not smooth


u said its not a smooth beginning

as 1st part

just tell me what sucks at it xd

I wouldnt want to start a map a bit slower and get into map. Here you start with "100%" and full focus. I would say it has no "warumup". Its like you start a footballmatch with the penalties shooting. I dont know how to explain it like I want it. I hope you understand it. But again just my opinion.

its pretty chill part

the aled at end is just a beginning of the map so u know

is the aled ur problem, or?

aled can be removed if thats what you mean

@QywincIf this is the right way the part feels not smooth at all. I would map it, so you can do all in "1 move" and not stop in the middle of the part and do strange edgehook
sorry what? the edgehook is meant to be like that. its not uncommon anymore and is a part of edgehooks. i implemented it in a cool way.

If you already fail the first part several times at the beginning you don't feel like doing the whole map anymore. I think you should make the beginning interesting, so that you want to play the whole map. But if you fail so often at the beginning you don't feel like doing the rest anymore.

@QywincIf you already fail the first part several times at the beginning you don't feel like doing the whole map anymore. I think you should make the beginning interesting, so that you want to play the whole map. But if you fail so often at the beginning you don't feel like doing the rest anymore.

do you mean the hammerhit/fly

to get to the next plat?

I cant say it 100% because I played with my dummy. I have to test it with an other guy. Maybe its super smooth and easy af but when I just look at it it doesnt seems like it.

after the aled, you fly up and you will swing him to the right

cool smooth move

then its just hammerhit or hammerfly

to bring him to the plat

want me to join ?

gladly on another day not today

anyone wanna test this map with me

1st part smooth af

2nd part u got enough time. so if u fail thats deserved.

@QywincYou used different switches in the map, I just would use 1 and mark the time with numbers and not a different sign. When it has no time just dont write a number
we did that if you didnt notice yet

no you did not watch screens

we did that

perma deactivate use a different sign than timer switches

thats a difference

when you play and there are suddenly different types of switches its confusing i just would you the both left

but these are timers

as the sign says

i wouldnt use that on perma switches


if you use switch on/off use left if they have timer use the one right of it

but i use the left sign for timeswitches where u need to stand in

which have no time set on there

i cant just use it for perma swithes

no time = no numbers

time -> numbers

it has no time but u need to stand in

for on/off you can make it brighter or darker

nah man

u wouldnt see the difference becuase its the same sign

but 4 different signs is confusing when it just used once in the map

btw here

since you didnt understand it

nothing to do with gameplay or design server got problems mb this help

i dont know what is confusing u there

you want to try the part so obviously u know where to go to do the part

activate 10 switch activates the freeze

so you cant take a break on platform dow

Of course its not confusing for you, you made the map

if you fall down you have to do the part again

cause you lose rocket

understand xD?

there is one guy who hooks obviously

he takes endless for the rest of the part

The problem is: You cant explain everyone at anytime someone plays your map

Make it more obv what to do


what is too hard to understand at it


there is only 1 way

like there is one way to go. you cant misunderstand it

there is no other way to go. i cant make it more obviousxD


2 choices

there is a way you can do it i just test it

dont say there isnt

ofc you would go right bcs it would make no sense to go left without doing the part

test your map you will see

im on the server

you just see your way

turn brain on

what is ur way

ofc thats not the intended way lol

but if people do that then its ok

i could add an activate switch on this tile to prevent it if you rly want lol

i dont see other way

you will throw your mate to the left and he gets undeeped. you go with rocket into the hole because it will only open after it

your mate CANT keep rocket as well

last part

i should maybe put unendless at plat

i still dont understand what you mean

weird explanation

the door closes when he gets endless

it deactivate when u get up to the right

and after all that they lose grenade and endless after the part so?

even then

just cost more time xd


you got the part then already if u got the hook xd

but unendless is an option, ty

maybe u understand parts better then

lol wtf did he get banned

added endless off

way too faily not fun to play this


Then blood moon is way too faily too and got rls so xd if you dont like doomworld dont Flame this because this is way better

fixed smth

fixed design bugs

nice map overall, maybe need marks at some parts, at least parts are great & creative and design pretty nice with fog, maybe last part a bit hard but its fine, i like the map 😄

so for what ive seen the map is not that hard cuz i was able to play it with my hotspot, sometimes the map is kinda confusing and u don't know what to do so maybe add something to make it clearer, the map is short so the failyness it has its kinda justified. The map has good parts and creative, even tho my connection don't think last part is balanced to the rest of it.

Thanks for the test i upload the next version tomorrow Where we fixed(balanced) Last Part and Made some marks so you know where you have to Go

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJhyCnhbmpQ&feature=youtu.be @abcabc#2004 This is sick!!!! Awesome map dude

Thanks for the feedback ^^
@Gato Cosmico
balanced last part and made some signs where to go

fixed some parts

fixed smth cuz syltoox cant upload...

last part is way too hard in contrast to all other parts

$change server brutal

gears animation is buggy


added credits to
design fix

https://youtu.be/wJhyCnhbmpQ?t=55 WOW cool part nice big brain

agree, fuckin* awesome parts 😮

Thanks guys ^^

hey i changed 1 part cuz compared to the others it was novice ^^

thanks for the test

Mb I change it again cuz the swing is very hard

Mb it will be released

prob. Its a cool map with creative parts

Thanks ^^



$ready 4

$ready 5

$ready 6

$ready hmmmmmmm 3 - 4

I have to reduce the file size, then, I think it's ready

Reduces file size

Wow nice

-800 noice

So rdy now ?

thought that was quite funny

You can disable the door xd


@murpiu have to change ur entity skin


freeze almost invisible


But no fail so its Fine

And btw how the fuck you can play with your entity skin xd

question is how can you not? it's the most beautiful thing i've ever created

(nouis assets is now property of sheep)




wtff murpo unreal entities toplay

want playable entities?


xd pls stop offtopic

$ready 4

removed 1 invisible design tile


Lul thanks

fixed 1 corner in tunezone im sry

pls rdy again

$ready 4
