this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

i forgor

Hurricane does not have discord, so if there are design issues i will relay them to him ingame when i see him

- Time cps
- Removed unused image

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

removed thing

- blue startline

moved moon thing

compressed 4 images

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Don't you want to finish your map before you upload it? xD

we were just tweaking the design in test

we are testing with some ppl trying different colors

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Finish and then upload? 🤔

we finished it

but then

sombody in game wants to see different color schemes

so we are trying them

is that so much of a problem xd

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

No it's just confusing me.

Is that on the test servers or what?


Gotta take a break for a while, we are still debating the freeze color, if anyone has suggestions lmk

The map doesn't load for me on the test servers yet.

You mean the color scheme? with the blue freeze or red freeze...?

or do you just mean map-wise in general

The map in general. Now it does though. :)

Looks bad?

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

oh my i cant read



Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Changed colors Fixed bugs

- Added freeze


I'll fully test it later(no mates rn, i'm just observing.), but I want to make sure you double checked the skips and closed them or did it correctly

alright, is that the only skips you found?

Also i dont really understand what you mean, like how you skip

the two other skips..

show me ingame?


parts are very messy and weird to play, for example first part have a rly bad setup (1) that can give some random result (2) i understand the idea but rly weird in the execution + hit the freeze at the end many times + can't even go on the edge to redo the part the end of the part is meh, just holding to fall edge with +3 s and give a rly bad setup for the next part

it's teamforce so probably unskipable but just in case you can't put a direct way to the finish

ultra basic part

a bit unbalanced

can also skip the left hook through plat here

can't see anything in design, unplayable with it, need a reworks on parts and design, i'll decline for now, we hope to see you with a better version

Your map submission has been declined.
