
map is not developped, mane parts looks like kobra, some parts are cheatable, the structure and design are not great

but thx you make me find a new bug

with switch



what is the problem ?

-no noobfilter in novice -gameplay is very basic -many deep badly use, and a bit repetitive

is it really a filter without solo

y put the spawn closer then

i can best describe this style as "tried to copy kobra but didnt quite understand it"

don't use random tiles like that, avoid using them (but thx because we find a bug with it)

ok i will recreate a new one way better so

sorry for that map

what bug ?

no problem it's your first map, maybe try to play and gain experience ingame also, it help a lot and give you idea with map already ingame (check recent map)

i'll put in bug after that

ok thank you for the review 👍

i will try to update it so

for novice or for all serv ?



your drag parts are basic and boring and the map is annoying to navigate because of the way the walls are

ok i will change that for next

i put the bug in https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/757720336274948198/1343986412986437684

and i have a question

do you know how to create thing who work with button ?

add a switch layer

ok i will try

yes thank's i find it

10/10 map

can i give to you another version of the map here ?

Yes, but if you fixed everything in less than a day then the core problems are probably still there

i don't finish so quick no problem i only do the start but thank for the answer


i do that

If you are looking for feedback for each part then the
#mappingchannel would be better to use - you can send your part there and ppl will give feedback

ohh ok idk that

These channels we are currently in are more for maps which are potentially ready for release (meaning the mapper tested everything and felt it was finished)

ok so i call back when every thing is finished 👍

Sure, good luck And make sure to look at newer maps (something like 2020 or newer) because many old ones wouldnt be rated by todays standards

ok i will try

Gl anakin 😄😄😄
