this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

is it short or big?

looks like 2016 style, which isnt accepted anymore

and some spots are tight

looks like kobra 2.0

just say ddmax its okay 😎

not ddmax

I've played enough to know this is way better

I would consider your map somewhat short.
Unfortunately we don’t release ddmax maps anymore as those were maps that were released on another network that doesn’t exist anymore. Therefore, in general please don’t take those maps as a reference to look at when mapping or trying to find inspiration. Much rather I‘d advise you to look at the most recently released maps to make sure you’re up to today‘s standards (https://ddnet.org/releases/). Make sure to try to be creative when mapping and create something somewhat unique. (Close to) All things featured in your map have been seen already multiple times. Furthermore, keep an eye out for the balancing of your map. It’s not too bad here but for example unfaily ddmax-like drag parts without tele underneath are generally considered very easy and beginner friendly in the way you mapped it. Faily deep drag parts however are somewhat advanced so keep an eye out for that! Additionally please read and apply our mapping rules and guidelines before submitting your map: https://ddnet.org/rules/ https://ddnet.org/guidelines/

Your map submission has been declined.


$ready 3

This command was not found.

I‘ve just seen that you submitted a map yesterday as well. You made huge progress in 1 day when it comes to general mapping skills it seems.
However, please note that it generally takes a lot of time to make a great map. We are talking about 1 month and most likely more for newcomer mappers. So please take your time and you’ll improve a lot by yourself. 👍🏻

Thanks for the advice! i will try to make my third map much better

but what is ddmax?

We as testers hear “thanks“ way too few times… 😔 You’re welcome! We like having you around! Looking forward to your next map. If you have any questions or if you are in need for advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us via dm or via
It’s a map category that consists of maps that were previously on the network ddmax which doesn’t exist anymore.

what is "dm"?

direct message 👍🏻

okay, thanks:)

is it direct message, Death Match or Drag Map?

In this case it’s direct message. I deleted the other messages. Further messages that are being written to cause confusion or similar will be deleted as well and will result in a timeout.