this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

seems stopper is the main concept, but you need to change some stoppers to unhookable or something normal block. also map is really confusing because of overusing stoppers.


choose mark or unmark all ground unfreeze


According to the screenshots provided by nova, there is no standardization in the way the map's corners are handled.

Try a different color scheme. It's exactly the same as NightDay.

The whole map has too many stoppers, it looks like every part is very confusing, there are a lot of unnecessary stoppers can be replaced by unhk

Recheck the grass above the meadow. The whole map has the same problem.

every part is so narrow that I felt like this map is DDmaX. also, some part has no flow. there are some nice ideas but you didnt use the idea cleanly.

reduce more unnecessary stoppers until the map is not confusing.




also parts are sometimes novice parts

also first guy most of parts is doing more work then 2nd guy

i like some of ideas in some parts . but you should experiment and go further then it's right now . i remade this part , this is what i have made in few minutes ( don't know is it working (pic 2) ) . there should be other part in tele 2 to balance player movement ( 1st does almost or same as 2nd tee ) .

i also like this part very much ! but it's just idea of concept , i would like to see a lot better structured parts with this implementation ! experiment with ideas . part it self is badly made also small space (pic 2 ) i would try making an actual part there (pic 2 ) and trying making part a lot interesting by experimenting !

for me it's decline but hope you will make good map next ! any questions related to mapping can ask in
#mappingalso can show part there and ask for opinion !

you ever plan to stop using ddmax name as a your pathetical explanation ? Go into editor remake the part show the mapper whats wrong with the part and how he/she could improve it. Writing ddmax this ddmax that won't solve it.

ok I got it

idk if its impossible but too hard cuz absolutely buggy

map is a mixture of novice and moderate parts. I like the idea with the stopper but some parts feel unnecessary and too short

not to mention the poor map design

Better create a new map with less large gaps between parts, create some unique and not boring map design, decide if its moderate or novice, make a better flow of parts, test parts before posting. Keep the idea of most of the parts; I like them and they are nicely thought of

i'll echo everything was said above (mainly from Insanity & texnonik).
the main concept of the map seems to be fine imo. i would like to have a map with stopper parts in novice or moderate category. somehow the balancy of the map is kinda off, as mentioned. make sure to have your parts a bit more even in terms of difficulty.
i really would recommend you to not have some longer parts followed by "1-action-parts" where u only have to do 1 hook or something like that. you should avoid parts where you need especially need strong or weak in maps below a higher moderate difficulty. imo your map need a bit more parts that are a bit more interesting in terms of gameplay - its a bit boring rn.
designwise ist fine for me, but still looks a bit empty.

for now ill decline this map but you are more than welcome to resubmit it when u reworked it or created something else. gl! 🙂


big brain part* read up

I spend like 20min to figure out what to do

have you got it ?


i couldn't explain it easier

I guess my brain wasnt braining

everyone I asked was confused too

texnonik figured it in like 1 min

big brain

my bad then, sorry


btw map isn't that bad, it's just that idea wasn't executed properly

and this is a problem only ppl with weak got