"hook trainning" by Dortox [Moderate]
DDNet 04/14/2023 6:49 PM
@Dortox トンボ

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 04/14/2023 6:49 PM
Pipou 04/14/2023 8:21 PM

We won't take gores maps

Pipou 04/14/2023 8:22 PM

If you want it to be tested and released, go to KoG

nothing_ 04/14/2023 8:22 PM


Dortox トンボ 04/14/2023 9:15 PM

sorry i m new ^^

Pipou 04/14/2023 9:16 PM

No worries 🙂

Dortox トンボ 04/14/2023 9:16 PM

do u have french serveur for playing ?

NeZoX 04/14/2023 9:21 PM
Dortox トンボ 04/14/2023 9:28 PM

ok thx

Pipou 04/14/2023 9:53 PM
@Dortox トンボ

T'es français ? Si oui, on a un discord pour répondre à tes questions