this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

This is a reupload. The original channel got deleted if I understood correctly

Anyway, before the accidental deletion,
@Cøkecalled attention to lot of imperfections - the problem is, because the channel got deleted I can't see the screenshots/messages anymore, so for now I fixed everything I was able to remember


thats handy

- fixed (almost) everything you mentioned (besides some "why blue tele")
- made unfail speedups visible
- made tele29/31 a bit harder
- created a new color for blue telegun tiles (now you can distinguish yellow and blue telegun tiles)
in question:
I cannot judge if forcing teams is a good idea, you tell me

(btw my comment on e.g. blue tele 18 and 17 (marked with "
") was: "To make it more clear, to better differentiate it from the other teles, that this is a tele that leads you back [to the previous part]. It doesn't affect gameplay in any way so didn't think much of it")

if the map is based on 2p parts right from the start. team force is good, i think its not fun to play in t0

only the upper one gets a time cp?

u can cheat some parts when u use /ninjajetpack

u forgot some more arrow marks

i dont like this part Problem is reaction. 1 U need instant reaction (but ppl cant do that) if u good at this u can react 150 ms and higher. but here u need lower when 30 ms. 2 Okay second way it is predict, but any way u have about 30 ms. (it is uncomfortable) when u do part like this try create part when u dont need do it perfect. let ppl react. Fix just put this unfrezze more down on 2-3 tiles.

add auto drag, cus this map anyway need team force.

will be better if u add freeze here/

why so much stoppers?u can left one line stoppers

1 problem here need one perfect shoot. and u dont see where u need shoot. 2 better remove hookable and replace unhookable.

most ppl play with entitles. don't place on one layer if it is possible on difference.i dont see jumps here if no concentrate.

need cp here too big part.

why are you greedy. better shoot and do not have time to catch then just miss.

u need perfect shoot with no vision. add more it is annoyng

again no vision with instant rection. why if it is possible with same idea or Idea it is no vision shoot?dont think

So much spam, why if possible just wall.

ps at all i like the map. but have some problems.

@trikijust put this unfrezze more down on 2-3 tiles
The problem then is that you would be able to cheat by repeatedly telegun up forever (technically you can do it at the vertical tiles, but then the aim has to be perfect)

@trikiwhy so much stoppers?u can left one line stoppers
The main two are there because they make sense visually, the most upper one though is there to prevent getting stuck


u can left one line stoppers im talk about this line xD
I could, but imo it wouldn't be "intuitively designed" anymore, would it?

like u wish, it is just littl confusing me.

1 U need instant reaction (but ppl cant do that) if u good at this u can react 150 ms and higher. but here u need lower when 30 ms. 2 Okay second way it is predict, but any way u have about 30 ms. (it is uncomfortable) when u do part like this try create part when u dont need do it perfect. let ppl react. I remember now, that was the reason why I had the totele 1 up high like 5 tiles above the unfreeze, so you could hold shoot and just aim, as it was intended. I'll move the totele tile back up again

@triki2 better remove hookable and replace unhookable.
can you explain why?

@trikii dont like this 3 part a row at all. better if u remve this.Or it is need so much remap(but it will take so much time). better remove then remap and add next map.
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Removing the whole section??

need cp here too big part. Added this section and split up the part:

can you explain why?
@eztaK_redYe ofc. They waste time for hook. no need breake flow better do instant part.

@eztaK_redAdded this section and split up the part:

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Removing the whole section??
@eztaK_redthis aprt need to long testing. he have so much problem. Better just remove and fix on next map. why next? because better concentrate on litt fix for faster realease.

You're saying it like you already found multiple problems with it already

ye.I feel that there are problems, but to understand where, it takes a lot of time, because this is a very creative part.
when new version?

I thought we were waiting for that ninjajetpack patch?

sv_ninja_jetpack 0 work already?

We disabled ninja jetpack when telegun is held instead: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/3316

should work on official servers



I should've fixed everything you and triki mentioned. Just forgot to upload back then

You should try keep all things looking the same within your map. Changing how back tps, checkpoints, unfreeze and teleports look just leads to confusion.

I did really enjoy the map, it's got a lot of potential but I think the ending solo should be broken up with some 2 player parts before release.

Also noob filter can be removed for a team force map or maybe made part of the map.

It's really nice to see that this map is still being considered and helped with At this point the map has gotten so old I don't even play this game anymore lol But I'm definitely gonna do the rather simple fixes. But like regarding replacing whole parts I will need to give myself some more time for that. I agree with the amount of solo parts too, so yeah
