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all not gameplay relevant -> hd

cool map but why not leave doing "everything first try lmaoooo" to the speedrunners and put tele instead of deep

yea the whole first try thing is used up at this point imo. especially when its as hard as memoria and memento mori. you would need to start your homeserver and delete all killtiles just so you can properly practice the parts.

pls use tele and u got a nice racemap

tele with cp's

no tele to death pls

thx for testing

useless tile

after cp 5 difficulty lowers a bit too much i think

This was quite a fun map, did enjoy it. Felt like a harder 3 star map.
Parts 1, 3, 4 and 8 felt a lot harder for me.
People testing with me just felt 1, 3 and 4 were quite a bit harder than the rest.
The length between checkpoints was kinda painful for me but I don't think they would be that bad for more experienced players.

Other than that I think the map is really challenging but could be quite fun.

i think part 1 and 3 ok, end of 4, 8 a bit annoying

could be a cool map, but parts are stupidly long

cp8 part doesn't seem to work, couldn't get far enough even once

when I stand inside a CP marking I expect to get a CP, not on the next block

cp8 work but i dont like the ending

same with cp4


maybe find a better fix
end of cp 8 is now like in the first faily version

what u think about difficulty? 3*?

Since it's unfaily, 3* it's nice

$ready 3


stuff from my test wasn't fixed

What fix?

Cp8 work xd

what is not fixed?

at least fix the start of cp8, I won't make you shorten parts I guess

I remember trying it with Savalic for several minutes and not getting it, just a shit precise move

I think the start of Cp8 is easy enough but ok

meh doesnt seem like 3* to me but w/e


i guess since its not faily

no not 2 lol wtf


maybe i just suck at playing today

It's not that hard and unfaily

Maybe the first part is a bit harder than the others

map rdy now ? 😄


$ready 3